Selling Xbox/games

Discussion in 'General' started by FuckBeerGetWeed, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Xbox 360, hdmi cables and power cable, two controllers (only one in pic) headset, wireless adaptor, charger for controller, and a shitload of games. My question to you all is whether you suggest i should sell these in one giant bundle on craiglist, or each piece individually via ebay, etc.
    What would be a reasonable price for this big of a pack or should i just sell them in smaller bundles?

    I'm getting rid of all this shit

    Edit: Fuck gamestop and i also threw in a 1600 microsoft points card

    Attached Files:

  2. Yeah man just stay away from gamestop man.... at my local game store they buy xbox 360 games for 7 fucking dollars a piece... And i went to take in some controllers (fully working btw) and got 24 dollars for both.
  3. Gamestops a rip. go amazon.

    Are you looking to sell that shit quick or maximum profit? Jw
  4. Gamestop isn't even worth going to just to check how much they would give you lol biggiest rip of ever but i do enjoy buying there used games for under 20$ :)

    probably sell it all at once just to get rid of it but if you part shit out you could probably get a little more for things because the person would actually be trying to get that peice..
  5. I once got 7 dollars for two xbox 360 games.

    Hey i needed gas money :confused_2:
  6. individual. craigslist people will only try to talk you opposed to ebay, where the price keeps going up.
  7. Also how does craigslist work? You set up a location to meet with a random person with the goods? Sounds sketchy
  8. put in the ad a way to contact you, after you agree on a price with whoever contacts you, set up a place like the mall parking lot or some shit, exchange item for $$$. pretty easy. i've done it literally hundreds of times.
  9. Craigslist is the shit. I like it better than ebay because it's a lot less hassle, and it's local so no packing. But it will probably go for a little less than if people bid on it.

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