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seeking no dreams...

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by ReallyRed, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. anyone out there have any experiences with cannabis eliminating dreams for a night? if so, what strain was it? if not, that's cool, no worries.
  2. i dont believe its linked to a certain strain. i also dont think it affects everyone

    but it affects a good portion of people and i am one of them!
    shit man i dont remember the last dream ive had... not that i need to dream or anything.

    i get a good nights rest everynight, no dreams needed ;)

    but it is a must up thing isnt it?
    especially when i stop smoking... the dreams come back
    and sometimes they come back with a vengence.

    ive had a few horrible nightmares during tbreaks(not that i had many tbrreaks anyway haha)
    like this 1 time i fell asleep on my couch .. and it felt like i was staring at my body from a outside perspective. i got cold and it got scary out of no where. i felt as if though i killed someone and my hands were covered in blood.
    i awoke SO freaked out and cold.

    the temperature situation also prob linked to lack of cannabis during my tbreak too, as ppl are known to have this problem when tbreaking.

    i really dont like the affects of tbreaking after daily smoking =/
  3. I still remember some dreams every so often, and I use the weed to put me to sleep. Last night I dreamt I did something I read on these very forums; I made extremely cold water with water, salt, and ice and put it in my bong.
  4. For me, smoking almost every day for the past year has eliminated a lot of dreams im sure....and on the few nights i didn't smoke this past year i had the craziest dreams!

    I don't think it happens to everyone though, but I know a good load of people who don't dream at all. but recently when i've been going to bed high i can remember all of my dreams...weird
  5. I'm just curious OP, but why do you not want to dream?

    Dreaming is an essential and healthy function of brain activity. I read in a study somewhere last year that infants have lucid dreams for something like 70-80% of each night. Dreaming plays a fundamental role in development.

  6. well, to be honest, i've been taking effexor for the past few months and every fricking night i've been having very disturbing nightmares. i would like to have some restful sleep one of these nights. (and i know i can handle cannabis while on these drugs. i did my research before even considering lighting that first joint while taking them and i found out i was safe taking it... though the speech of "this is what you should look out for in case i'm having a bad reaction" to my peeps while toking kinda scared some of em but it's all good.)

  7. wrong!. dreams are an important part of your sleep cycle, everyone dreams, some people are unable to remember then. If you dont dream, then you dont get a goods nights sleep

  8. do you blaze on those nights you have nightmares, and if so, are you taking your effexor the same day? and do you have nightmares on days you take your effexor but dont blaze?

  9. haven't blazed in about a month and the nightmares have been getting more intense this past month... could be coincidence or it may not be but w/e it is it's still rather unpleasant to say the least.

    i would have no problem if i were to dream and just not remember them at all (yeah, i know you kinda have to dream or else you'll start losing it big-time) but this is getting ridiculous. (it's getting to the point where i almost don't want to sleep... :/ but i know i have to else i'll be a bag of shit.)

  10. it could be your medication, since its an anti-depressant i wouldnt reccomend not taking it, but instead go to your doctor and tell him/her about this. they will know what to do. Maybe try blazing once to see how things are.
  11. #11 Rise Against, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2010
    Same. I get 7 hours of sleep a night and I'm good to go. THC has been shown to reduce the amount of time spent in REM sleep and may eliminate it altogether. Personally, I believe it's because our body needs less REM sleep whilst THC is in the system.

    So OP, since every strain contains THC, they should all do the trick when it comes to reducing the amount of time that you spend dreaming each night.
  12. #12 thedeadwalkk, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2010
    Is REM Sleep Necessary – What Does Freud Think? « Quick Steps To Health

    i didnt believe what you said about thc reducing time spent in rem sleep, and i found nothing about it online. REM sleep is necesarry to have a good night sleep. the full sleep cycle is 90-110 minutes. and is repeated as many times as you are asleep. if you slept, you dreamt. not everyone remembers their dreams. I personally find blazing makes me not remember my dreams within a minute or two of waking up
  13. #13 Rise Against, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2010
    Check out this article over at Psychology Today - Marijuana, Sleep and Dreams.
    Note this sentence in particular, "No one knows for sure the meaning or function of night time dreams but there is plenty of speculation."

    Next, I will refer you to another thread with a good amount of information - Sweet Dreams: Marijuana, Dreams, & REM Sleep.
    Here's a small portion of a study that was quoted in the thread, "Despite the research demonstrating THC’s tendency to decrease SWS and REM stage sleep, there is no shortage of individuals who claim that cannabis actually improves human sleep."
    Also, consider Buzzby's first comment. Of course there aren't enough studies, if any, to be conclusive, but it'd be very interesting if THC actually reduced the need for REM sleep. I definitely believe it.

    Of course I can't speak on your behalf, but I smoke/vaporize multiple times throughout the day and strongly believe that I don't dream. But if I cut back for a day or two, I will dream easy.
  14. yooo if everyone dreams and its needed for healthy sleep then are blind people plagued to never have a good rest?
  15. Thank you for all the feedback. knowing this helps... i'm sure i would have put two and two together eventually but to be honest, i don't pick up from my guy all that often. might do so soon.

    and yeah, i'm going to talk with my doctor about this (the nightmares... not the pot... though, he does know i've used it before and he wasn't all "YARR, EVIL WEED, BAD BAD.") don't get me wrong, the Effexor is doing what it's supposed to (for the most part) and it certainly beats being slave to my issues... still...
  16. Next, I will refer you to another thread with a good amount of information - Sweet Dreams: Marijuana, Dreams, & REM Sleep.
    Here's a small portion of a study that was quoted in the thread, "Despite the research demonstrating THC's tendency to decrease SWS and REM stage sleep, there is no shortage of individuals who claim that cannabis actually improves human sleep."
    Also, consider Buzzby's first comment. Of course there aren't enough studies, if any, to be conclusive, but it'd be very interesting if THC actually reduced the need for REM sleep. I definitely believe it.
  17. I'm more of the opinion that it affects our memory of dreaming more than the actual dreaming itself. While it has been shown in some research to slightly shorten the duration of REM sleep, I would not be surprised to find out someday after further research that the main effects are linked to the same mechanisms that cause short term memory impairment. It would make perfect sense since dreaming is tied so closely to memory processing from what little we know. So much of this is in the infant stages research wise.
  18. I don't know if you were serious or just playing but blind folks still dream. Their dreams would involve their other senses.
  19. I go to sleep high every night and I can't remember the last time I had a dream. Not sure if I don't have them or I just don't remember them anymore. Doesn't seem to matter what I smoke every type of weed from mids to high grade will produce the same effect of really deep, dreamless sleep.

    I don't mind not having dreams but what I hate is how hard it is for me to get up in the morning after a big sesh the night before and how burntout I am all morning.
  20. You're having them. If you were not you'd be dead by now. Yeah, lack of REM sleep can kill you.

    You just aren't remembering them.

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