Seeking expert grower to be my consultant

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by MJentrepreneur, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. I am a new grower and my head is spinning from all of the information on what to do, what not to do...I know it is not an exact science! But I know there are a few of your out there that are EXPERTS and would be willing to serve as my consultant (for a fee, of course) along the way. I don't want to make costly mistakes that will cost me time and money! You need to be recognized as an expert in these forums. Thanks and speak up!
  2. Where abouts do you live? Indoor? Outdoor?
  3. I live in California (where is LEGAL to grow and legal possess!). I want to grow indoor and outdoor.
  4. How to you consider expert?

    Grow forums are you consultants. Join as many as you can and ask the same questions in each group. If a person tell you BS advice put them on ingnore.

    Also you can read hundreds of grow journels online. Pick the one that works for you and try it.

    I would love to help you but not outside the forum threads.

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