seeds from amsterdam package empty

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by italian stallion, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. Hey guys I'm new to this forum. I ordered seeds from amsterdam mari seed co. and when the package came today I noticed the seal on the envelope was broken and stapled back together. Yes you guessed it there were no seeds in it.

    Has anyone heard of this before? What can I do? (i emailed the company but have no phone # of a real person) I must say I'm heartbroken. Waited a long time to get them and no White Widow!:confused: Any help would be apreciated greatly.
  2. I would be pissed, im a bag seed grower works fine for me....
  3. Just wanted really really good seeds for once and took a chance.
  4. Contact them.
    Tell them what happened.
    See what happens.
  5. Exactly what I did. E-mail is the only contact available.Because of the time difference I should hear back in the A.M. thanks for the reply
  6. Sounds like your package was intercepted by customs although most people say that there is a note or letter from customs stating you were trying to import an illegal substance. Check out the other threads.
  7. yes, most likely intercepted as that happens from time to time, but usually, they also send a letter too as mentioned.

    it's unlikely that someone snagged your beans along the way as why would they take the time and effort to reseal your package?
  8. There was no note in the package.
  9. yeah is the only place i get seeds from and ive never had a problem i even got some big bud that 5 out of ten were cracked i e-mailed them and they said that sucks and sent me ten more no questions asked then i ordered ww like you and 8 out of ten were males lucky im a master at cloning and grew plenty of clones off those 2 seeds but personly i think white widow is all hype taste great looks killer but ive definetly smoked better, not worth the price but anyways yeah customs didnt take it you wouldnt have received it id say go outside and smack the fuck out of your post man and tell him you stole my christmas present and i hope a dog bites your dick off punk ass thieves piss me off:devious:
  10. I heard back from ams and they were really cool. They said it was customs and that the new procedure is to take the beans and send the package on it's way. Then you think its a seed scam. Thanks for the input on the ww any other suggestions for a hight restricted grow. Was thinking of budda cheese or blue cheese.
  11. Caution folks: let's not discuss the details of how seedbanks send their seeds. They all try to disguise it or make it look nondescript, and they change up their methods from time to time so that Customs doesn't know exactly what to look for. It would be a real shame if Customs could still learn what to look for just by reading this Forum.

    In fact, I suggest posters edit their posts to remove any specific details.
  12. in general, DON'T give out too much info about ANYTHING here. this isn't a private club. anything you say here is no different than standing on a street corner with a bullhorn. this is a public place and you can bet your hiney that john law browses these forums looking for slipups.

    ESPECIALLY beware of people you don't know PMing you for personal details and/or seed hookups. (that's against forum rules BTW). as hazardous as our hobby is, let's not help those out to get us huh?

    discussing stealth shipping in PUBLIC totally negates the concept as mentioned.

    you might as well say
    "all seedbank X's seeds are hand delivered to you at 3:45 on fridays"

    just use total discretion in everything you do here and imagine that all discussions you have here are right outside a police station. because you can bet this text is INSIDE one on someone's monitor.
  13. You are way right on this . My bad very bad. I'l see if I can edit the dumb stuff out. Thanks for the reminder.
  14. sorry my bad:rolleyes:
  15. same deal here, an empty package; hoping they will resend
  16. I recently sent AMS $$$ for shipping and they are sending new beans.Different mail set up ope it works

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