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Seedling turning brown

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by MrCheesyBuds, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Hey guys so I have a pc grow going right now.. Just using the pc till my tent gets here and I can get some lights and stuff set up ..

    Anyways so I had a 55w cfl laying around and decided to put it in the pc above my new berry Ryder seedling well tht was a bad idea .. I came back the next morning to check on her and she was bent over on the dirt and all brown !!!

    Help guys !! Will she make it ? Or should I just move on?

    Attached Files:

  2. It most likely will die
  3. Tht sux .. It's been like tht for like 4 or so days it hasn't dried out or anything I was hoping it was gonna rise from the dead but I guess it might not:(
  4. It's dead. But not from the CFL.

    That soil looks way to swampy, and the roots probably drowned. In the future let the top of the soil dry out before watering.
  5. Yea I've been having problems keeping it moist .. I check on them in the morning and at night .. Usually I water in the mornings but when I check on the lady when I get off wrk the soil always looks bone dry at the top .. Should I just have faith and leave the soil dry till the next watering?
  6. How close was this 55w cfl that like a 200 250 watt reg lite it might have burned from to much lite or heat but it does sound like you over watered it. Try to let them get almost dry before watering they will mold and drown with to much water and avoid fertizing for two weeks after sprouting
  7. Do u guys know what the reason was for this extreme yellowing? Was it because of over watering? I feel dumb ha ha
  8. Thx man ...I had the cfl about 4 inches above the plant I thought tht was ok cus the cfl wasn't tht hot but guess I was wrong
  9. I never directly water seedling, always mist with a bottle. The top of the soil might seem dry but most likely you overwatered and it's just mud down by the roots.

    You live and you learn.

  10. Never had a CFL burn a seedling and I had them about 2 inches away. Check out the journal in my sig.
  11. Do you have an iPhone u can get light meters and test lux it nice u can put at top of plants and test lux and make sure it's not to high under 100k lux is best I have my cels doing 50k lux at top and abut 13k at base of plants nice to be able to see what the plant is getting light wise u can convert to lumens for most of the data u find about how much light u need is in lumens which is weird but ok just convert because to much light is bad not enough is bad and it's a big happy spot in the middle
  12. The app is lightmeter by whitegoods
  13. I agree it is tuff but 55w is a lot for one plant and I wondered how close because the base can be hot but I ageReed it looks over watered plus he said he was watering daily was just worried about future soldiers
    I also like the cfl and allow the tubes to touch plants but only because I know they are cool to touch but I have a few non tubes that the base is super hot and the bulbs are also just tryin to help not saying it was one thin over any other just checking basics to make grow 2.0 the shitz
  14. Yea I have a iPhone .. K cool thx man ill download it ..
  15. #15 MrCheesyBuds, Dec 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2012
    Ima try to leave the injured seedling alone for the time being see if maybe it comes back I have another berry Ryder next to it germinating's taking forever so I think I've been over watering tht one too ha ha ha it's soooooo hard not to want to take care of them 24/7 I've grown lots of other plants from pumpkins to tomatoes love it .. So wen I thought bout growing a lady I was super stoked ha ha ... So far it's been pretty difficult to just let them be ha ha.. Hope my tent gets here soon .. Growing will b alot easier with more space lol
  16. should always start your seeds in a smaller container ( I use 1"x1") and use a soil or soilless medium that has little to no fertilizers or nutrients added (I use Promix BX)....keep the seeds warm as they germinate and sprout. (I use a seedling heating mat)....once it starts to grow, you transplant into nutrient rich soil.

    ...the reason you should start in smaller pots is because the soil will dry more evenly, which is important since the seed has no roots to drink.
    ...when you put seeds/ seedlings into larger pots, the top of the soil can be dry while the bottom can be soaked since the plant doesn't have the root system to drink much....and as we all know, roots grow downward into the muck to be drowned.

    ...learn to lift your pot to check for moister levels, it's a better method....your soil needs to be moist not wet, and you'll need to have the appropriate size pot according to the size/age of the plant to do that, IMO.
  17. Thx for the advice man .. I'm on a ton of other forums for random things and nobody is nearly as helpful or pleasant as u all .. I ordered a 2 gallon smart pot along with my 3x2x5 tent I'm still debating on what lights to use since obviously heat is an issue .. I know a good fan can take care of tht but noise is a real issue in my situation so I'm kinda stuck in a corner lol
  18. This is great advice also limit the transplants the more u do the more they get stunted

    When u replant get them over wet and allow them to be wet for a bit before u pull them from the cups let them slide out dont pull (puts the plant in a slumber so it might not get shocked and that saves a week or 2 of extra growing) other will say do it dry but google plant replanting and u will find that wet is best but some pot heads can't read and don't like science either.

    Hope this helps thanks for being a nice person in the forums
  19. Here is the lux to lumen conversion page

    And here is a guide to how much light u need

    It also shows the lux difference extra for different types of lighting

    (Don't understand why people talking in lumens since that is bulb out out and we are needing plant input)

    Hope this helps expect about 1/2 inch a day with the correct lux input heat under 80f and water only as needed no notes for 2 weeks and don't trans plant to much or too soon!

    Looking forward to photos from grow 2.0
  20. Thx man appreciate it .. Yea ill try to limit transplants .. Next grow I'm just gonna sow directly into final pot

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