seedling sprouts are dying, what to do ?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by hyffe_beats, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. #1 hyffe_beats, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    i have 2 seeds i germed and put in 16oz cups with soil (cheap topsoil,no ferts in it just peat moss and a few pebbles i added for drainage/ariation). the first almost leafs on plant 1 dried up and died before they even opened up and turned green, but below that (the stem is still alive), what should i do with it?

    i have them on the window seal in my bathroom ,they get more then 7+hours of direct sunlight, i also might have over watered them, and i use filtered water from my fridge.
  2. Can anybody help me please
  3. Seedlings can be somewhat fragile early on. If your using filtered water from your fridge let it warm up before using it, you dont want to use really cold water. For the firt week I just use a one or two of 26 watt daylight CFL`s, much better then light from a window sill. What kind of soil are you using and how far down are you planting the seed? You want to keep the soil damp but not soaked.
  4. [quote name='"tplat"']Seedlings can be somewhat fragile early on. If your using filtered water from your fridge let it warm up before using it, you dont want to use really cold water. For the firt week I just use a one or two of 26 watt daylight CFL`s, much better then light from a window sill. What kind of soil are you using and how far down are you planting the seed? You want to keep the soil damp but not soaked.[/quote]

    Just plain potting soil with no fertilizer in it ,it has peat moss in it and I also added a few lava rocks. And I planted them about a inch deep. And yea the soil was soaked :( ...thanks for your reply
  5. Ok. you want to keep the soil damp but not soaked You dont want the tap root to dry out but you also dont want to drown it.
  6. [quote name='"tplat"']

    Ok. you want to keep the soil damp but not soaked You dont want the tap root to dry out but you also dont want to drown it.[/quote]

    Alright thanks bro

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