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Seedling advice

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by savemeabite138, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. These are some seedlings I planted about three days ago. I need some tips on keeping them healthy and strong during this stage. Also do they look good for being three days old? I have them under a small veg light combined with window light until I move them outside. I'm also using plastic bags to keep the humidity level above 70%

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  2. Looks good. I would try and only use one seed per cup cause they will conflict with one another. They look healthy. Just go easy with watering. No food necessary. I start with spray bottle then work my way up with actual watering. Too wet soil will make the stem sick and it will fall over weak and helpless. Is that light LED or CFL? If not, it should be as the regular bulbs don't benefit plant growth. They look good for three days, yes.
  3. The bulb I'm using is an LED veg bulb.
  4. The bulb I'm using is an LED veg bulb.
  5. Take the bags off.
  6. The light at that height is doing very little if anything at all. You are going to get lanky/stretchy seedlings very soon. For that many seedlings I’d recommend either a 4ft T5 that way they can all fit along the tube. Or two 2ft T5. 4000k color temp is a common vegging spectrum.

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