so i went to osh to see what they had for me all i could find were these little discs that expand with water then u put the seed in.but im gonna try to get my one inch sprouts in them. will i be able to go hydro still if i go this route ?it seems like little bags of soil .this should buy me a little time
I wouldn't recommend trying to put an existing sprout into a Jiffy-7 pellet. They're fine for seeds, but moving a sprout into them seems like it would damage the roots. I'm sorry, I don't know whether you can use hydro with these or not, but I felt I had to recommend you not risk your roots until (if) someone who's done it successfully posts here.
I see. For the record, that's a germinated seed, not a sprout. A sprout is what you have when the plant first breaks the soil. But in that case, you can definitely use a Jiffy-7 pellet, I've used them myself in the past and they do a good job of growing a seed. Just don't use a Jiffy Pot, I find they dry the plant out too quickly. And hopefully soon someone will be able to tell you about hydro compatibility, but from what I remember a lot of people who clone plants for hydro use Jiffy-7's. Not 100% sure though...
here is a couple more pics .a little closer .the package calls them biodegradable pellets. the stuff inside looks like coffe grinds with little fiber strands here and there. still havnt heard if i can go hydro with these things if someone knows let me know thanks