Hey grasscity, I just purchased a ds60 grow tent. Its 2x2x4 ft. Im planning on purchasing a 150w HPS, carbon filter, 4in inline fan and ducting, but im slightly confused on how to set everything up. Im confused because I see all kinds of different ways on setting up the inline fan and carbon filter.. Since its only a 150w hps I dont have an air cooled tube, so im not exactly sure how to go about this. So what is the most effective way to vent this tent to have a perfect environment for my girls? Should the carbon filter be inside or outside the tent? Should the inline fan be inside or outside the tent? And since theres no cool tube on my hps for the ducting to hook up to, how should I get the inline fan to exhaust the tent? Ive grown successfully before in grow boxes but this is my first try at a tent setup with non ghetto equipment, im a noob and proud of it
Sometimes you gotta play with stuff and see what works best man. I'd advise that the filter is inside the tent and make sure you have negative static pressure in your tent, i.e. your fan creates suction.
Ok thanks, that actually helped me a lot. There's two 6 inch holes in my tent and then a 3inch one. There's one at the top of the tent and on the side near the bottom. My plan now is to have ducting attached to the bottom 6in hole, and then have it connected to the inline fan placed outside the tent. Most likely above the tent on the shelf. On the other side of the inline fan I would have more ducting connected to the top 6in hole of the tent and it would lead inside the tent where it will be attached to the carbon filter hanging above my hps. So the fan will suck out air from the tent through thelower hole,and continue exhausting it until it connects back into the tent to filter it through the carbon filter. I'm absolutely stoned right now, am I retarded or does that all sound ok?
I have a 2'x7" 2'x7" 5'11" growlab 80. I had the same issue on how to set it up. It came with a 4" inline fan, phat filter thermo ducting. I had to set my up and change it around for a week cause I had heat issue with my 150w hps. I ended up getting another 4" inline fan with a fan speed control to be exhaust fan at the bottom. I had to use my first fan and ducting and tape it to the vent where the ballast is on the 150 hps to exhaust the heat. I have pics in my growlab 60 thread.
Kush you might have to post a pic, If it were me, I'd run both fans at the top of the tent. No point of pulling cooler air from the bottom out.
Whitey that kinda worrys me haha, I'm on a budget at the moment. I was hoping one 6in inline would do the trick. But I guess I have to test it out and see what happens. Thanks for the help though man. And moses check back in a little bit I'll post pics of the tent once I'm home.
[quote name='"Kushington17"']Whitey that kinda worrys me haha, I'm on a budget at the moment. I was hoping one 6in inline would do the trick. But I guess I have to test it out and see what happens. Thanks for the help though man. And moses check back in a little bit I'll post pics of the tent once I'm home.[/quote] Oh u have a 6" fan. It should work fine. U can leave two bottom flaps open for passive intake.
What's passive intake? And I only have 3 holes total in the tent. A 6in hole at the top, 6in at the bottom side, and a 3in near the top
Use that new fangled gurgle twitter search thing. Passive intake is basically where air can enter through the tent, like a flap on the bottom sides of the tent, or one of your vent holes lower in the tent. Let your fan do the work and suck (collapse) ((well not literally collapse)) your tent in a little bit so everywhere your tent isn't sealed air will be being pulled into the tent from outside of it. That will also help your filter do a better job.
lmao what? idk what twitter thing ur talking about. And oh ok i understand now. So are u saying its not a good idea to have the air being sucked through 1 6in hole and fed through the other 6in hole into the carbon filter?
I was just being dumb, use google ti search easy common questions, and you should only have a setup like this in your tent Inside tent >[filter]>[fan]>outside tent Best advice i can give you is get a thermometer (i got mine from Walmart under $10) that tells you max and min temp and rh over 24hrs along with current temp and rh. Setup everything lights, fans, filters and all ( even hydro equipment ) and let it run for 24hrs and check your peak humidities and temps. For what little it will cost you in time and electricity, its cheap insurance that you won't have environmental problems in a week.
[quote name='"Kushington17"']What's passive intake? And I only have 3 holes total in the tent. A 6in hole at the top, 6in at the bottom side, and a 3in near the top[/quote] The 3" hole is prolly to run ur cords through. Passive intake is where air flows through without using a fan blowing air in. Have a fan exhausting the hot air out. In my tent I have 5 holes and 3 flaps at the bottom.
Here are two pictures of the tent. 2x2x4, in case ur wondering i have the pot in there just for reference i was seeing how many i could fit with the water trays underneath
Yea thats what i figured it was for. And yea thats my plan dude, as u can see in the pictures theres a 6in hole on the bottom left hand side, i was hoping to have the inline fan outside of the tent and sucking the air out through that hole. Then on the other side of my inline fan i would have more ducting connecting to the top hole, and have that ducting connected to the carbon filter. So basically it would exhaust the air through the bottom hole, and bring it up the ducting outside the tent through the inline fan and then back into the tent at the top because my carbon filter will be inside the tent at the top above my hps light. Sound like a plan? Edit - also u can see in the picture that beside the bottom 6in hole theres a big square screen that would work for passive intake
Sounds like a plan. U don't need to use ur filler right away wait till there's a smell. It depends on what strain ur going with. Set it up with out ur filter connected and let it run and see what ur temps are.
U know I'm not sure if using one fan is gonna work. If ur gonna use the fan to suck out the cold air through the bottom port and have it blowing the air back in through ur top port. U want ur fan sucking air through ur filter. I'm a noob so I might not make any since.
It will be sucking the air into the carbon filter though, it first would get pulled through the bottom hole and then go out and up the outside of the tent and go into the top hole. The carbon filter will be at the top hole connected to the ducting. So bottom line, it gets sucked out through the bottom hole and then pushed into the carbon filter connected near the top hole. The inline fan has one side that pulls air and one side that pushes air right? So the inline fan will be in between the two pieces of ducting, On one side it will be pulling the air out of the tent from the bottom, and on the other side it will push the exhausted air into the carbon filter. Once again I'm stoned but I really hope that made sense.
Ya one side of the fan blows and the other sucks. I just don't see that working. Give it a shot it might work out for u. Sucking the air out of the tent and blowing back in from the top might give u heat problems. Best of luck. It took me a week or 2 to get it dialed in.