Second DXm Trip

Discussion in 'General' started by The Decline, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. I took half a bottle of Vicks 44 Cough about 4 hours ago and got blazed during.

    Now that everyone went home i'm about to down the rest of the bottle.

    Wish me luck! :D
  2. Wow... the second I downed the rest I got HUGE rush.. I'm just gonna give a play by play for anyone interested in trying this....

    I took about 90ml of Vicks 44 which has DXM HBr 30mg/15ml around 10:30 and i got super blazed afterwards. its now 2:50 and I just swallowed the remainding 90ml.

    Im swimming in my chair. thats an understatement.
    (ps if this is a dumb idea to post this tell me.. because im goooooone)
    My eyes burn from the weed.. but yet i cant feel them unless i really concentrate on them.

    My mind is RACING. I keep jumping from thought to thought. and Abbey Road sounds so good right now

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