Seattle Glass Shops

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by EllisDFor20, May 27, 2009.

  1. Gonna be in Seattle in about a month and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for good pipe shops in Seattle. Lookin for some good heady pieces, I've exhausted most of the shops at home. So Seattle smokers, I ask you, where do you get your glass?
  2. My personal favorite is called piece of mind in the fremont neighbordhood on 36th street they have one here in spokane to.
  3. Come over to Spokane if you must, and scope Puffin Glass youll find a nice selection of amazing blown glass from artists such as dozier and toro :D
  4. word bro, piece of mind is the best, didn't know they had em in Seattle too thought it was just here in Spokane that's awesome. i always and only go to PoM
  5. There is also a Puffin Glass in Wallingford on 45th that carries RooR, US, Illadelph Etc.
  6. Sweet I didnt know that the puffin glass here in spokane carries mass stuff but, I prefer Piece of mind for its small shop feel. I wonder if its the same owners.

    there prices are rediculious

    go to pike place market on level 3 there is an amazing head shop with dirt cheep prices
    i got a 3 foot quad perc with an ash catcher for 200 there

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