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Seasonal Depression

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by StateofReverie, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Do you have it? If so, do you think smoking da reefer helps treat seasonal depression?
  2. I'm really not the type of person who has problems with depression, but sometimes from school and something going on in life I do find myself feeling overwhelmed... leading to getting upset/feeling depressed.

    Lol smoking definitely should help, only negative I can see from smoking is if you get the high where you're constantly over thinking and/or get paranoia.
  3. Smoking will ease your mind.
  4. Without a doubt it helps. Here in Britain it's getting dark at around 3:30 and the sun doesn't rise until 9am and lemme tell ya, it's depressing as shit.

    Having a smoke lightens the mood completely.
  5. Do a lot of Americans have issues with depression? It seems like it's discussed all the time here on GC. In any case I don't think any drug can help you with a Real depression. A depression comes from within and so does the solution to one.
  6. it makes you feel better for a while. will it fix the problem? no
  7. THIS. It was really depressing yesterday because it was 4:20P.M. and the sun was down and it was getting dark and cold....

    When the weather gets better though then things get better in general
  8. I have a mild case of seasonal depression. Every year, my mood soars when I don't get enough light, what with the early sunsets and the gray, clouded skies during the day... Weed helps. A lot. I am not willing to take SSRIs, so it's the only lovely medication that works for me. Totally annihilates the depression when I'm high and has lasting effects for days (sometimes weeks) afterwards... It's not just the chemically induced change in the brain, though. What is of tremendous help is the quality of the subjective experience. If I have a rich, deep, fullfilling emotional experience when stoned, it will lighten up many days to come for me... In brief, I am so in love with weed...
  9. I think cannabis is wonderful for depression, just don't smoke too much when you're depressed. Otherwise, you might succumb to paranoia, and depressed feelings while high, which is a terrible combination.

    I suffer from seasonal depression quite a bit. I used to live in Boston, Massachusetts, and let me tell you! That place during the winter will send you into a deep depression if you're not used to it. The darkness set in early during the day, thus resulting in a lack of Vitamin D from the sun, which imbalances the chemicals in your brain. Even when the sun was out, it was shrouded with a sickly looking gloomy haze, blanketing the sky. I don't know how people can function properly there, unless they've lived there their whole lives. :confused:

    Now I'm out in Arizona, and I should be moving to Denver, Colorado in a year or so. However, I thought that coming out here would rid me of my depression, but I stand corrected. Also, right now in my life, I'm going through some things that account to my depression more so than the seasons changing. So, I really don't know, I have to solve this problem in front of me first. I don't really know how to though, unfortunately :( *sigh*
  10. Smoking eases everything

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