Scotland Drug Driving

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Hashpothead, Jan 24, 2019.

  1. No, Recreational is illegal. Medical has supposedly passed but impossible to acquire.
  2. Those tests are bastards, get you a week after smoking and then some if you are a heavy user! Another back door way of harrassing pot smokers.
  3. Never EVER consent to any roadside testing without your lawyer there, and tell the pig that. If you’re out of the car, you’re cooked one way or another. It’s easier to deal with the DMV than the unjust court system.
    Just my first hand experience, I received a DWAI in CO the week our law passed. 6 years past and I still regret being compliant with a cop who was out fishing.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
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