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Scoring in little tokyo

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by VapeMasterFlex, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. Hey guys, so I'm out here in little tokyo for a small vacation with some family.

    I'm about to go out and try to pick up a 20 sack, but I'm really not sure if I should or not.

    I saw a pizza guy who I was sure smoked, but I missed the chance of asking him if he knew where I could pick up.

    So... Any ideas guys? I'm in this Asian hotel where lots of mid aged Asians work...


    Protip; it's 10:30 and I have no car.
  2. go find some stoners bro, go to the supermarket, maybe mcdonalds? Just try make sure they're actually high lol.
  3. i've heard japan has harsh laws against chronic, fuck that shit bra
  4. Dont! Tokyios weed laws are so strict even a lil bit of weed will give you like a life sentence
  5. ^^ yea, then you'll be stuck in that piece of shit country forever. but hey, at least their little japanese dicks wont be as big as black men here in the USA, so theres something positive to remember while you're being raped; it could be worse.
  6. OP specifically states it is in "Little Tokyo" and not Tokyo, references "Asian" hotels and people inside, again making a clear distinction that this isn't Tokyo, but in LA... and yet every post is in response to him getting "busted for life in Japan". Grasscity makes much less sense on a tbreak.
  7. just to clear this up, HE IS NOT IN TOKYO! he's in little tokyo. that's in LA
  8. hahaha little tokyo everythings little in asia
  9. lmfao... What an amazing thread.

    I went outside, saw some chicks smoking mikeys... Asked them if they knew where the bud is, and they said all their connects aren't coming thru tonite
  10. This thread went over so many peoples heads lol.

    Little tokyo threw so many people off xD
  11. lol i love it when people get nervous about getting 'dry'...besides Japans laws will throw you in prison for minumum of 2 years if caught.

    edit: Protip = weed 50g+ in Japan
  12. [quote name='"magicman8"']lol i love it when people get nervous about getting 'dry'...besides Japans laws will throw you in prison for minumum of 2 years if caught.

    edit: Protip = weed 50g+ in Japan[/quote]

    haha I love when people try to taunt me by mimicking things I say. Backfired on yourself so... lol
  13. This is seriously still a problem for people in Cali?


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