Does anyone have or know where to find photos of "scoging"? Or "screen of green"? I understand the concept. Just want a visual. Thanks, Ace
i've heard it called scrog...but never scoging.....try typing in scrog in the search at the top rhs of the screen....Peace out...Sid
That's rite "scrog". Sweet! I have a spce 4.5 feet tall. Is scrog grow the best way or really the only way? Thanks again, Ace
Scrog is usually used by people who have 2 grow for vegging and another for flowering, so as there is allmost a non stop production system in operation....Scrog growers or SOG....sea of green will grow a lot of plants...not let them get any bigger than 12" and then flower them.....hence like...1 big plant=6oz.......20 small plants=10oz....for example(those are not suggested yields it would depend on circumstances)...hell i'm talikg shite now as i'm cheeched, but i hope you got the just of what i was meaning....Peace out....Sid