Scientology is fucked up

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Blutteufel, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. So, since I heard about Scientology for the first time I thought they were a bunch of nutjobs, and I'm a tolerant person. I thought it was astounding how anyone can get sucked into this thing, especially since you have to pay for the damn membership. If that doesn't scream cult to anyone, then I don't know what does. Don't think I'm another guy that hates Scientology after just hearing a few things about it; I've done my research. Their "religion" is fucked to the core, and it's evident in the mindset (or lack thereof) of it's members. I found this video earlier, and I think it helps illustrate my point. They actually tell people to "destroy" anyone that says anything negative about Scientology, which just further proves that they have a lot to hide, not to mention the fact that they're just a bunch of fuckin' crybabies that throw their lawyers at anyone who looks at them wrong. What does everyone else think about theses people?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Tell us something new :)

    But when you get real down to it, scientology is no more fucked up than any other cult/religion. Jehovas witnesses and mormons come to mind. Two other money-grubbing brainwashing schemes. Not to mention the plethora of evangelical charismatic churches centered around some demagog pastor that sucks their flock dry like a very thirsty vampire.

    Need I mention islam, that actually have convinced some of its sheep that killing themselves whilst taking infidels with them to the grave, will earn them an express pass to heaven and 72 virgin pussies?

    At the very least scientology is not some death cult like the three abrahamic cults in all their various flavours. But on the greedy scale, scientology wins. Hands down.
  3. Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons are misguided at best, but Scientologists are straight up lunatics. I can tolerate the latter two, because while they may be persistent, they go away eventually, but there's no way in hell Scientologists knows when to shut their fucking traps, especially if he thinks you badmouthed or are about to badmouth their cult. The problem here, though, is that they seem to think anyone who doesn't want to join is a heretic that must slandered and ridiculed because they are incapable of dealing with rejection, caused by equal parts of ego, idiocy and insanity. Scientology is more fucked up than the JW's and Mormons, though, because they don't have anything in their tenets that encourages people to destroy the lives of "infidels." And that's just the tip of their iceberg of preoblems.
  4. Umm, I think you are forgetting that all religion is basically cults, and that all religions start in the small before they get big and "accepted".

    So too with Jehovas witnesses and mormons. That you do not find those beliefs as strange as scientology, is because scientology is the new kid on the delusional block. Take a look at what christians, JW, mormons, muslims, jews etc really believe in, and tell me those dogmas are more plausible than the dogmas of scientology.

    I'm not arguing that scientology is not some money grabbing swindle. They are. and they are both litigious and scary. But all religion is essentially a money/power grabbing swindle. and though not all religion is litigious, they certainly are scary. As is obvious with regards to fundamentalists of any religious stripe.

    Scientology do not control countries. Islam, christianity and jewism do. Countries with nuclear weapons. In that regard scientology are relatively harmless. For the time being.

    You never know what cult will grow big, and what they will do if they get power. Except ofcourse, that you know it will be totalitarian naturally.
  5. Just wait for those Scientoligists to start talking about some random UFO.

    Then they'll drink the purple kool aid and meet up with it on the the moon.

    I don't care what people believe in, as long as they don't push it on me, my family, or friends.
  6. It's my goal to one day be a cult leader. The secret to convincing droves of people of the existance of some mystical "something or other" is to realize the potential for the human mind to rationalize anything it wants to. The more people that think of me as "god", or at least as something closer to "god" than them, the better.

    Has anyone started a "Cult of the Machine" yet? As computers get smarter, people lose the need to get smarter. One day all the knowledge of the sciences will be in the hands of the machines. Lightning looks like the finger of god when one forgets about the existance of electrons and such.
  7. more messed up than scientology are the ones who believe it.

    L. Ron Hubbard admitted to creating this religion for money. he was tired of getting paid a penny a word to write and said that real money is in religion. (paraphrased)
  8. They are only 'fucked' in your mind. But if you look at it from a different perspective their "religion" is just another in the world..
    Yes, you have to pay money. The answer to this is their expensive equipment that they use for their members to help with their problems or whatever the hell they do.
    The church's members SEEM weird to an outsider but I see they are just trying to defend their horrible reputation. Everyone attacks them because of rumors and it's uniqueness. To me I don't see it any worse than any other religion.
    At least Scientology has some techniques that can end up helping others and benefiting others.
    But that's just my 2 cents.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. great look on it. i dont really like Scientology but all religions seem to be a little crazy to some1 from the outside
  10. Your right. When I talk to Christians and bring up Hinduism and its hundreds of gods, they say: bull crap! As the saying goes: What people don't understand they tend to make fun of / deny.
    Now as a Buddhist when I look onto Christianity I actually find it quite dificut to understand , even though I was a dedicated Christian at one time in my life (and I still do study it). I start to think how can anyone believe such a thing! It's an endless cycle, really.
  11. i say let people believe what they want to believe how ever insane it is, just dont try and freaking convert and preach at me.
  12. they doing something right. . .

  13. What scientology did not get right...

    (From our skeptical friend James Randi over at JREF,

    But who cares about truth as long as the story is good...
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  14. My mom who tends to embellish (I use the term loosely) stories a lot always says, "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story!"

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