Schrödingers cat on Google

Discussion in 'General' started by Joey Robusto, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. yo i was like wtf is that thinking it was a kitty positive negative sign and what not. then i saw the equations and the heaven kitty and was like aaah its shrodinger's cat 
    I cant lie yo i feel mad smart

  2. #3 Michael, Aug 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2013
  3. Parellel multi-verses is the only explanation
    There is a cat and its in a box. However the box isn't a stable safe box for the cat. There is gas that has a 50% chance of escaping. So 50% of the time the cat is alive or dead. The idea is before we look into the box, the cat is alive and dead. The looker who looks into the box causes nature to fall towards one option or the other. Life or death. 
    This brings up the idea of multi universes and so on. Its a quantum physics thing man get with the picture. :smoking:  
  5. #6 GanjFarmer', Aug 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2013
    I'm too sober for this.
  6. lol this is the coolest theory ever
    I can't believe I figured out the picture I was to blitzed
  7. Some of y'all niggas need to go to school.
  8. When you say're probably right.
  9. But what if I don't look in the box, just kinda cover it with something, is the cat stuck in purgatory?
  10. He dies of starvation ahaha.
  11. I was expecting some type of angry response after realizing how rude my comment sounded.
    Your level headed response has made me feel like even more of an ass :(
  12. I'm calling PETA.
    lol its cool. its the herb mon, keeps my head right. :smoking:
  13. Nice job man.  I never look for things like these so it's always cool when they got pointed out.  shit's a trip.
  14. The fuck is going on with this place today? 
  15. Before you observe what has happened either possibility could have been played out, so the idea is the cat is dead and alive until the box is opened. This Schrodinger cat example helps illustrate the idea of superposition. When particles are observed at a sub atomic level in quantum physics, they can do many different things. Physical observations affect what these small particles are going to do. According to quantum physics the cat can take two measurable routes, life or death and that only happens when the observer looks into the box. The cat is in superposition when it has not been observed and is still in the box. 
    here you ignant mofos lol

  17. wut :smoking:

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