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Scary Story!!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ganjaphish, Apr 25, 2002.

  1. This is the scariest thing I've heard in awhile, you go girl for saving yourself! I hope she does have family or friends who can help her through this! :( :( :( :(

    DUBLIN, Georgia - A plea for help scrawled on a bathroom wall in Tennessee led to the arrest of a truck driver at a rest stop in Georgia, where police found a woman who said she had been beaten and held against her will for six months.

    Katina L. Shaddix, 24, told police she hid a marker in her sock and left more than 30 messages in restrooms from New York to Tennessee.

    Maintenance worker Binford Aycock found one, saying, "Won't let me out. Beating me, this is no joke!" while cleaning the restroom at an Interstate 75 rest stop Friday night in McMinn County, Tennessee. He called 911.

    The message, written in ink marker, named "Cannon truck 383." Officials used a global positioning system (news - web sites) to trace the truck to a rest area on Interstate 16 in Georgia. Deputies converged on the truck early Saturday.

    Shaddix, who said she had no family, remained hospitalized Tuesday; spokeswoman Alexis Hughes declined to disclose her condition.

    "She couldn't tell us her Social Security (news - web sites) number, date of birth — nothing," said Sgt. Gerald Frazier of the Laurens County Sheriff's Department. "She had internal injuries. She had some hairline fractures, or fractured bones. Bruises pretty much all over her body."

    Shaddix told police she met the man at a truck stop in Washington state about a year ago and began traveling with him willingly, but wanted to leave about six months ago. She said the man beat her and held her against her will, following her to the bathroom and waiting outside so she wouldn't escape, authorities said.

    The truck driver, Shannon E. Jones, 26, of Delhi, New York, was jailed without bond on a charge of aggravated assault. Investigators said the case may be turned over to the FBI (news - web sites), and he could face additional charges.

    He has refused to speak with police. It wasn't immediately known if he had an attorney.

    Bob Curtis, Cannon's director of operations, said Jones had worked for the company since January and was hauling light bulbs to a Wal-Mart store in Douglas, Georgia.

    Cannon's president, Dean Cannon, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Jones and Shaddix signed a company form on Jan. 10 authorizing her as a rider in Jones' truck.

    "We don't want to pass judgment until the facts are out, but it sounds like a lover's spat rather than a kidnapping to me," he said.

    ^^^^ I still think she wouldn't have gone to that extent of writing on ALL THOSE WALLS If it was TRULY a lover's spat!!! I don't buy that! Of course I'd never go driving around w/ a stranger in a truck, but still... Scary.
    p.s. here's the url!
  2. i cant believe people are that twisted, but its amazing she escaped. It must have took so much courage and will to stay alive and keep hope.
  3. Some sick bastards just don't understand the word NO!! Even if she originally was willing to "travel" with him, when she wanted to leave, she has every right to!!!
    If she truly doesn't have any family, hopefully she can get some good counseling, as I'm sure she'll need it!!
    All Grasscity Ladies, Please be as careful as you can, it's just not safe out there anymore!!!!! :smoking:
  4. thats not a scary story! think about a stalker of the sickist kind mind dead from years of smokeing strong weed strains by the seed banks and than as he starts to get old gets cancer and starts to go blind bad as hell he wants to get even with anyone that smokes so he starts look for smokes and where dose he find them ,yes on the web ,he trys to fit in playing around with a few tell he knows them and next thing you know they dont come to the site any more ,what dose he do to them ,easy what worse than death it self to a stonern he ties them up and gets out a old green amry gas mask and they see him put it on them and hook it to a blower with a back fucking blow on the other end and yes yes you know that fucker puts the shitist ditch weed anyone ever found in that blow and lights it and in a few mins they go totaly mad ,i sure know i fuck would ,lol good luck tazz11
  5. WHAT?!?!?! Rainman, I HOPE you are stoned. Because that is the only excuse for such and INSANE post! :D
  6. no just haveing some fun ,ya that freaky 3 letter word !i cant remember if i was smokeing or not when i wrote that see smoke dose fuck up your memory! lol
  7. i imagine if you smoke enough ditch weed you're at least bound to get stoned! it may be uncomfortable @ first but after awhile i can imagine the culprits begging for munchies :D
    hehe nice to hear from ya rainman either i am missin your posts or you've been lurking again!!
    best of wishes :D xo~
  8. Thats scary as hell. Freaking creepy truckers.
  9. no i have my hands full working a test in grafting and crossing of a grape vine and 8 strains of cannbis ! 300 clones most likely well die but iam going to try ! anyway! its a big under takeing for me !and prepearing is all in the timeing !so no i havent been around much hows things going and yes this is a sad part of women and the sex stalkers of are time ! its not just truckers this is just one case and its not good to think that all truckers are stalkers many help run away kids and few are as sick as in this case !she did not ask for it but did not avoid where this could happen! sometimes streering clear of the places this could happen would have stoped it all to gather but everwhere these days are the signs of are laws falling short of help some people that are not in the main stem of are communitys its sad but a fact of life !good luck tazz11
  10. what it be ! kid .hows it going !

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