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scary shit happening to my brain, help please

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zoerain, Aug 25, 2018.

  1. Hi I just made this account to ask if anyone knows what's happening, I've looked all over the web and have found nothing that describes what's been happening and how to stop it.

    So I've smoked regularly for about 4 years now, sometimes have a month off here and there. This is the first problem I've ever had that is making me really quite scared. One night, like normal, I was having a joint before bed and I'd only had 2 tokes before I started getting this tingling feeling at the back of my neck. I put the j down and just layed on my bed, then the tingling turned to this cold feeling on my neck, but the right side of my brain started feeling really weird and tingly, slightly cold like it was going numb, and almost a light pressure. But only the right side, then it was the whole right side of my body, and face too, tingling and like it was going to go numb. It sort of felt numb inside but not on the outside if that makes sense? My heart rate was really fast and felt like it was beating hard. Anyway it all lasted for about 20 mins, it was quite terrifying as I thought it might be a stroke or something gone wrong in my brain.

    Since that episode I've tried smoking again about 3 times and every time I have the smallest amount possible and I can feel the tingling starting up in my right brain again.

    Does anyone have anything? I'm so tired of looking for answers and finding nothing, I even had blood tests and an MRI scan on my brain but they both came back normal. Please help, I just want to chill out and smoke again :(
  2. Think maby take a little break change strain see a doctor be truthful
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  3. Thanks for answer, it's been 2 months since it happened and yesterday was the 3rd time I tried with a new strain but still seems to be the same. And I've seen 3 doctors, no ones got answers.
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  4. An MRI scan would've easily been able to detect if you'd had a stroke - so if it came up clear you can be certain you did not have a stroke. I think it is most likely a panic attack and anxiety which is causing your problems. I'd take a break, and try smoking some different, more mellow, strains.
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  5. If you had a stroke it would be the left side of your brain affecting the right side of your body.
    I dont make this shit up.
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. Yeah I was certain it wasn't a stroke when it ended, I was just freaking out as it was happening. I'm thinking it could be something like a panic attack, but why only my right side? And maybe it was just that first time something brought it on, and every time since then I've just associated the feeling with smoking and I'm mentally making it happen? If that's so then how do I stop?
  7. Could be all in your head maby get really high and sit through the experience tell your self it’s nothing to worry about may just go away

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