Scariest thing you've ever seen

Discussion in 'General' started by Sunn, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. I was thinking back about some of my interesting experiences from over the years and I was thinking about some of the scariest, most intense things i've seen. I think it'll be kind of cool to see what people say, since fear is mostly subjective. Probably lots of cool stories (i hope).

    I've never had a gun pointed at me or anything like that, but what really got me thinking about this whole thing happened once like 6 or 7 years ago. I was chillin at the playground with my buddy, we were in like 8th grade or so, so we had ridden our bikes there. well it was kind of stormy all day and we were bored so we were just watching the storms and stuff. well, at some point my neighbor pulls up in her car and gets out in a hurry and she starts yelling at us that there's a tornado warning and stuff and we need to get inside right now. and i'd also been interested in weather and knew a fair bit about it, so i assumed that she was just overreacting and i figured we'd be fine since it seemed pretty calm around us.

    but just when i was thinking that, i noticed it getting visibly darker outside by the second. i've never seen it get dark that fast. and i was like, maybe we should go.. so we haul ass to our bikes and start riding as fast as we can back to my house which is like 1 city block away. my backyard is connected to a park and on the other side of that park is the playground. so we were riding down the street and like halfway back i looked to my right over the park and up above the trees along the edge, and i saw the most incredible thing. i've never seen anything like it, even in pictures. it was just this like, solid black wall. literally. and it was just coming right over the trees right at us. it was so incredibly dark i was blown away. and it still kept getting darker everywhere around us and everything started turning a horrible green color. and i was just like, holy fuck, this is some serious shit right now.

    anyway we got into my house like 20 seconds later and we were fine. although, not even a minute later this thing called a microburst happened (, and they said on the news that it occurred over Maple park. which is the park directly behind my house. there were trees ripped out by the roots, parts of houses destroyed, etc etc. and to think that it happened right where we were standing not even a few minutes earlier.

    anyway i apologize for the long read but i thought it would add some context to my story. i fucking wish i could have taken a picture of that cloud. it was honestly one of the most phenomenal things ive ever witenessed. words don't do it justice.
  2. My rabbit dead. She was laying like always was, still warm, but stiff as a board.

    My mother crying in pain.

  3. this is the scariest thing I have ever seen
  4. I've seen enough fucked up shit to scar anyone, so I'll tell the smaller ones.

    5 years ago there was this kid (who coulden't of been older then 19-20) who stole a friends bike. We were both stupid teenagers and decided to get a little blood vengance, so we gather another friend and call this dude up to set up a drug meeting, but the intent of it is too beat the fuck out of the kid and hurt him pretty badly. After the kid comes, (which ironically he rode the bike too the meeting) I then proceeded to watch my two friends beat this kid almost half to death, and the last thing we hear is the ambulance sirens while were sitting at his house smoking a blunt.

    He ended up having a minor concussion and and a dislocated arm. But he survived.

  5. I don't mean to sound like an ass here but if that kid would have stole my bike back in high school he would have been much worse off than that. That's not even that bad of a beating. The thing to do with thieves is break each one of their fingers so they can't steal.
  6. Half a two year old.

  7. Stealing is fine as long as you steal from the rich and give too the poor. Trust me, I know. ;)

    And this dude wasen't the strongest of dudes. So they diden't want to kill him. As soon as they saw blood they peaced it.
  8. Tough question. The thing that first comes to my mind is when me and one of my dudes had kitchen knives held to our necks and got robbed during a deal. At the time when it was happening I literally thought it would be a 50/50 chance of me dying, just by judging the type of people we ended up getting involved with. We were lucky. Those people don't give a shit about anything, I could easily be 6 ft under.
  9. waking up with a catheter in dick.

    edit: d00d when they pull it out.......omg.
  10. The results of the pregnancy test my girlfriend took 3 hours ago
  11. Mom and dad...fucking. ughh *shivers* :eek:

  12. well you're going to need to continue this story....
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  13. (Response to his avatar...... and mine...)


  14. so when the fuck did you see half a two year old?
  15. yeah i kind of want to hear some of the stories behind these answers because these just sound intense.
  16. seeing the twin towers of the WTC destroyed on September 11, 2001. terrifying...for a 5th grader..

    other than that, a fatal car accident right in front of me.
  17. yeah, this is probably a good one, surprised no one else said it. I was in 6th grade at that time too. I remember waking up and being told that a plane hit a building in new york and they didn't know if it was an accident or not. and then we saw the second one get hit and everyone's heart just dropped. even as a young kid i could see that something really not right was going on in the world..

  18. i was half a mile away in lower manhattan. had to stay in the school gym until 5PM, when the officers finally let us out [even if the parents were there after the collapse]. they handed out masks to everyone who left. there was so much was like 2 inches smelled so bad. it was traumatizing. the collapse was the worst part...we were all in the gym, so no one knew what the fuck was going on...thought it was an earthquake.
  19. I saw a guy with his top scalped after gong under a tractor trailer. Fucking mini-coops.
  20. Stealing is never fine. Trust me, I know.

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