Saying hi from the city of sin

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Turin, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. Hey all,just a smoker from Las Vegas.Been smokeing for a year now useing grav bongs and what not.I only got caught once and all my stuff has been taken away along with two grams of pretty good stuff.I enjoy heavy metal and pink floyd alot as well as star wars.I have not been smokeing for months,(Trying to stay low fow awhile.Hope to light up soon.)I have done only a some of illegal and illegal drugs other then weed like pain killers,Salvia,meth (It was in my weed unkown to me).Thats really all I have to say.I hope I dont sound dumb.
  2. I got busted too lost 500$ in pipes alone it suuucked.

    welcome to the city thou :)
  3. Welcome to the City! :wave:

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