Ok so I'm just sitting here thinking that maybe certain people who make similar decisions have the same conscience but they are physically different than one another. In other words, you and me may have the same voice in our heads that helps us decide on what would be in our best interest, but we are both physically existing at the same time. This would explain why people who have made similar life choices are friends in the physical realm. Idk Im too high😤
Like the same exact conscience, but our brains function differently and our brains are what make us original. But our conscience is the same, it influences us but our brain makes the final decision
well, in theory, our 'uniqueness' comes from our basic animism, or 'soul,' because on a physical level we are built essentially the same and the punnett squares do the rest. Kind of weird to actually believe we're only going through the motions generated by organs inside of muscle, skin and bone originating from a singular organ, the brain, which floats inside of a round skull and fires chemicals, electricity and yes, consciousness. kaboooom.
Yeah I kinda get what you're saying, like we're all in the same realm bc of our choices Sent from my SCH-I535 using Grasscity Forum mobile app