Saddam Hussien Captured!!

Discussion in 'General' started by adamBC, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. lol. It's not a full day until the US tries to kill some leader they don't like.
  2. So is this the thread where we actually believe that the US captured Saddam? When I said they did DNA tests in the other thread somebody said "oh well it's the government that did the tests, so they must be fake!" It didn't seem to occur to anybody that the US had actually tested they guy they found and figured out that he really was Saddam Hussein.

  3. some people believe anything

    wile other believe nothing


    i just dont care....
  4. Sorry, I couldn't resist...

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  5. Looks like he's stoned woody.. His eyes are red...LOL

    We should be able to tell soon enough if it is him or not!!!!!!

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