Runoff water green and nute burn questions

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by xsvthoughts, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. I got 8 plants, all in 5 gallon buckets with FFOF soil. I use a home made sprinkler system, using an 8 gal res, I ph'd it to 6.5 and added 30ml (6tsp) to the 8 gallons, checked my pH and watered.

    2 questions, one of them, my run-off in some of the plants was a greenish color, the others looked like just plain water, why is this?

    Next question is, last time I did a big feeding when they were alot smaller, I burnt them pretty bad, how long will it take for nute burn to show up on the leaves and stuff?

  2. mold maybe? did the water sit in the res for a long time? my first shot of nute water is bright yellow and will sometimes still be bright when the first pot i water lets a little water out of the bottom. nute burn shows within a few days. it can really harm your yield. start with much lower dosages to avoid too many nutes. good luck.
  3. Yea I fed them like 2 waterings ago, just not this strong, last time was 3ml per gallon, this was like full strenght for 6 gallons with 2 gallons to dilute it down

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