Royal wedding & protests? Now arrests?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Swills, May 2, 2011.

  1. #1 Swills, May 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2011
    Forgive me, I didn't follow the Royal wedding and my mind is blown that so many Americans did. So much so, they took off from work and threw parties for the wedding! I can tell you, & so can any American, that the Royal family is not a part of American culture, its rarely discussed & when it is the convo is short. If you asked any random American from any state what they think they wouldn't give a shit. But all the sudden they did come wedding time. Just weird. I'll be honest with you, the world, I don't care about the family or wedding. I don't like big fancy weddings in the first place :laughing:

    Anyway, you can see where I'm coming from so this video confuses me. I guess there were protesters protesting the wedding but did these protests end in violence? Did anyone get hurt? Did it cause a riot? Did it in anyway, shape or form, get out of hand? Was the wedding affected somehow? No news of that over here, and it doesn't surprise me. American media = bad.

    So, my worldly neighbors, can you tell what the hell is this is all about?
  2. Can i come in please?? thats his first question.. wrong fucking question...

    the mini cctv on his vest is pretty crazy. never knew that
  3. Yeah that little vest camera is cool, like a spy. I guess now a days everyone is being filmed, so you have to be on your best behavior, well most of the time. If the police used real force against them it would only create more sympathy for the protesters. So if you were targeting them politically, you don't want them to get any sympathy.

    What is frustrating is that the police themselves don't even know the specifics. They're only told to make arrests, I guess? I'm not a cop but shouldn't they be more informed about the arrests they make because people will always ask "why am I being arrested?", or do they always have to be 100% trusting of their higher ups? Because we know corruption doen't exist, especially at the top
  4. I asked a couple of Brits I play eve online with about Charles Veitch, apparently he publicly announced a while back he was going to protest the wedding, so he was ordered to be arrested so the wedding could go off without a protest being staged.

    He is apparently part of some movement that is upset with the costs of the monarchy [?]

    He was an idiot for pre-announcing it [or leaking the info] if everybody had kept their mouths shut, he could have gone off and protested to his hearts delight. :rolleyes:
  5. Or he was a genius because if there's any truth to this than what appears to be a simple arrest will show the world that the Brits aren't free to speak their mind. Either way, he should have never been arrested in the first place if what you say is true. We're supposed to be allowed to speak our minds, right?

    And who knows, maybe its like that here in America too.

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