Round 2 (round 1 failed)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by steven22, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. Well... I started 1 month ago with bagseed and I screwed it up... I used the worst soil I could find and over watered them (once a day) the leaves all turned yellow... and things looks small for being 22days old.

    so I started 4 more... started the seeds in foxfarm ocean forest, used bigger cups (16 vs 9oz) and havnt watered them in 2 days so far

    I hope I am doing things right this time around.

    Also... im really paranoid on my watering now... now im afraid to water the seedlings... they sprouted 2 days ago.

    I was wondering if using the condensation on the cup is a good judgment on watering them. (I use 1 transparent cup and place them inside opaque cups. as of now the transparent cup still has some condensation on the bottom... so I shouldnt water them yet right?... the top of the soil is dry though.

    and when it is time to water... how many ml per cup?... or should I get a spray bottle and give it a squirt or 2?...

    my temps are at a steady 78-79 humidity at 39% 6 CFL 26w daylights 4 plants. 2-3 inches away.

    the pics will show them sprouting 2 days ago... then how they look 3 days old. and the condensation of the cup.

    I also wanted to say how amazed i am at how resilient the old batch of sprouts were.. I abused to all hell... uprooted the seedlings... violently knocked out the old bad soil... and placed them in foxfarm soil. 2 -3 days later , they formed NEW GREEN leaves and are growing good by the windowsill I have no hopes for these plants... im just going to let it do its thing naturally with the window sill , then place them outside.

  2. i think u will be shocked at how much better theyll be in ffof, mine are on day 10 using cfls, its in my sig check it out, but ive only been watering for 3-4 days, ill check and if i think its ready to water ill wait 1 more day, u gotta let it completely dry out so the roots grow looking for more water, so my 2 cents owuld be to water heavily wait for 3 or 4 days and check, then water again, u shouldnt have to use to much water for those small dixiee cups, maybe half a small waterbottle
  3. I checked out your grow.. good stuff man... gives me hope on having this batch being sucessfull... hopefully mine will look like yours in 10 days...
  4. You should spend 8-9 bucks and get a moisture meter so you can water when they're truly thirsty. Over watering chokes off the oxygen supply to the roots, which creates problems. This method is a surefire way to NOT over water.


  5. just wondering.... that probe gets inserted into the soil.... how do you make sure to not disturb the plant's roots?.... im assuming i have to stick the probe all the way to the bottom as well... as the top soil will be dry before the deeper soil..

  6. Here is an update at day 8.... they are looking much better than my last batch...

    I have been watering them at 4 day intervals (only watered once since making this thread)
    the water seems to be perfect at 4 days for 2 plants... and 1 plant seems to not be growing as big as the others and not drinking at the same rate the soil is still moist after 4 days. and another plant seems to drink faster than 4days... because it's leaves are curling down while the others are straight.

    I have a close up of my best plant, and the roots of one of the cups.
    my cheapo fan finally died this morning after being on 24/7 for 4 weeks straight without rest.... I replaced it with a really big spare fan that I had in the garage... I dont think its doing that great of a job because the RPM is less and if i Increase the speed, it starts to sway the lights back n forth.

    with the new fan the temps are at 83* steady ... the old fan kept it at 79* should I be worried?.. or is 83 still fine?.... my humidity is now 38%

    I am not using any nutes yet... should I be?
    and haven't transplanted them either... should I?.. if so ,how big of a pot?

  7. Alright... day 12... I took some pics... the plants are getting bushy but not really that tall... is that just how this strain probably is?

    I watered it 4 days ago... and the soil is now getting pretty dry... but 3 of my plants have yellowing leaves... I am not using nutes... and this is in FFOF soil.... watered every 4 days... is it a sign of nute deficiency? .....

    I have a thread about my living organism in my soil... ... this couldnt be the cause of it right?
    something is alive in my soil - Marijuana Growing

    I also have pics of the roots and how they are now... is it root bound yet?... it has formed a ring on the bottom of the cup... but its only 12days old

    here are a ton of pics!... you can see the yellowing clearly.

  8. I also have a really short quick video ( my camera ran out of memory, I forgot I was using the free 32mb starter card)
  9. By the looks of those root systems, you could probably transplant to a bigger pot. The yellowing is common on the first leaf sets. I think re-potting will give them additional nutes from the fresh soil, but you could probably feed them at 1/4 to 1/2 strength if you want.

    Nice looking so far though...........good job bro!
  10. Yeah man! There looking great!!!

  11. you guys sure the yellowing is normal for the first leaves?... cause this morning... .i think the yellowing is a little more apparent.
  12. Alright here is an update... 16days old... the yellowing doesnt look all that good at all... but the rest of the plant is growing fine... I also started noticing dark brown spots on one of the plants

    and out of the 4... 1 looks freaking healthy as hell and tall.... but not as bushy.

    also have a video
  13. From what I've read here straight FFOF runs a little "hot" for seedlings. That said, the "yellowing" is normal I think but I wouldn't worry about it. You're past that now. Looking good!

  14. well the only reason Im worrying about it is because its not just the the 2 leaves on each plant... Im starting to see the very tips of the other leaves above it starting to yellow as well...

    it looks like its hitting the lower leaves first and working its way up top... at the same time... new growth also shows up everyday as well...

    hence Im confused.... and the brown spots was scaring me.
  15. #15 hipster, Oct 9, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2009
    It looks like a little "nute burn" but as your plants get bigger they're also taking nutes out. Same when you water, your runoff is taking nutes out. I'm using 70% FFOF and 30% Perlite.
  16. You have the lights really close....really close. Plant's grow towards the light, move the light further away and they'll grow taller. Just dont move it too far away.

  17. I dont quite understand that... nute burn means when there is too much nutes right?... So as the plant gets bigger and as I water the soil I should lowering the nute level in the soil because im taking them out hence I shouldn't be seeing nute burns?
  18. Yes and yes. What's done is done. You could flush but I wouldn't mess with it really. Next time out mix in some Perlite.

  19. I have them 1-2inches away from the lights...

    I was under the assumption that this was perfect as CFL's dont cause too much eat, etc etc...

    ill add another inch of distance then....
  20. They don't but those are still babies, wanna give em some extra care. From personal experience with my grow (which aint much) if the light was real close the plant grew slower. From what I saw, if the light was close the plant didn't grow much. But once I started moving the light away more the plant grew more as if trying to reach the light. My mind could have been playing tricks on me tho, I do look at my plans like every 10 mins while not on their dark cycle...I'd be in the grow room now if it weren't dark time.

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