I got two plants in a 10 x 12 room and my house is at 73 the room there in is 77 with lights on its 81 82 will this be ok
you should be fine upper 80s well get them hurting should be in the 70s for best growth but if you have to they'll survive if you can't vent it to cool it you may want to think about co2 bucket gen or something can help with high temps.
I've started veg 3 weeks ago . Going to flowering to night should be around 75 with light on. And 77 78 in the dark. Going to pull the out side air in at night. With some type of fan
[quote name='"Mymeds2111"']I've started veg 3 weeks ago . Going to flowering to night should be around 75 with light on. And 77 78 in the dark. Going to pull the out side air in at night. With some type of fan[/quote] So what are the leafs. I cut off the plant. I pinched off the middles a week and a half ago. They look great just new at this but not dumb looking for some smart words from some seasoned. Growers please and thank to every one else's post that may come
Ok ill do my best man. Your temps should be dropping 15 degrees at night if u can get ur night temps down to 60-65 this will help also upper 80s will tend to give u a airy loose product if u dont have co2. try to get that temp between 70-76 in the lights on phase and 60-65 lights out. If u have no way to do this co2 is ur best option plants can handle temps in the high 80s sometimes low 90s with co2 it all depends on ur strain and the rest of ur setup. 82 rlly isnt bad and as long as ur keeping ur roots fairly cool everything should be fine. i belive that should answer ur question in full hope i could help
just looked at ur pics again....make sure that room is completely dark on ur lights off phase or this will cause problems with budding also get the thermometer up to ur canopy to see ur real temp 82 might be low with ur reader being that far from light its hard to make out in pic