rolling machines

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by chronichouse93, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Well I've always stuck to the method of hand rolling and I'm a pretty decent roller whether it comes to joints or blunts but my cousin who isint as good of a roller has two rolling machines a joint size and a blunt size roller. A few days ago we smoked a blunt that he rolled and I gotta say it was the smoothest blunt I've ever smoked I think the reason was because it was rolled kinda tight. I roll my stuff pretty tight but I always get a throat kick with my rolls. So my question would be do machine rolls produce a smoother smoke?
  2. It all depends. A machine makes it very smooth, but an expert at hand rolling will make a joint/blunt hit smoother nine times out of ten
  3. You don't get a cone shape either. Plus I only smoke joints when I'm outside and I don't wanna be carrying a whole machine around.

    Plus if you can roll a perfect joint people ask you to roll meaning free weed! :)
  4. rolling machines aint got no soul, brotha
  5. Rolling machines? Lame.

    my fingers are the best rolling machines out there.
  6. I have two rolling machines permanently attached to my body.
  7. I guess i must be the lamest stoner on GC then, because i use an auto-rolling machine.

    And i use filter tips instead of roaches:eek:

  8. Nah, the lamest on here are the ones who will judge you by how you smoke...
    Whatever works for you man...
  9. I admire your attitude on that score dude, the amount of times i see peeps on here acting like you're not a "REAL" stoner unless you smoke your dank from $1000 glass pieces.

    Ive had bongs and ive got a huge 4 pipe hookah, but i find it difficult to relax using them, so i roll a quick joint and im chill.
  10. A friend of ours has a manual Top brand cig roller. They make some nice j's. You can really vary the tightness. It's great when you wanna roll up a few and stash em. As for blunts, I'd say hand rolled. I've had a machine rolled one before, not the same.

    It's all preference really. As long as you're happy, I'm happy.

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