Rocking Chairs

Discussion in 'General' started by .Noodles, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. Why haven't these taken off in the stoner world? Couches and recliners are the center piece of ever stoner house, but why stop there? Rocking chairs are way more comfortable, and they add an element of exercise to being lazy.

    I think we have a lot to learn from the elderly, think about it...they sit around all day doing drugs watching crappy day time tv, only they have a lot more experience at it. I'm merely an old person trapped in a youthful body and I think its time to whip out that rocking chair and sewing kit. Who's with me!?
  2. Right on dude, I am with ya! But wait, lets go one step further and get a hoveround. hehe.
  3. Hell yeah bro, I love rocking chairs! Theres one downstairs but its uncomfortable. I like poang (sp?) chairs because you can rock in those.

    Have you seen the Jack Daniels rocking chairs? Pretty cool, comfy too! My friend used to have a couple in the bar she worked in.
  4. My favorite chair is a rocking chair.

    Every night after dinner, I walk down to the basement and smoke a cig in that chair. Also, a good place to pass out.
  5. Rocking chairs are where it's at.
    so relaxing.
  6. i used to kneel on them backward and rock and make myself sick. good times.
  7. Fuck that, rocking COUCHES.
  8. *mind blow*
  9. I have a rocking chair and I love it. Its even got a little rocking footstool and pockets on the sides of the arms. I sit in it more often than my couch. I guess though I wouldnt even have one except I got it as a baby shower gift a few years ago.
  10. dunno, I like rocking chairs, but how are they better than cushioned recliners that also rock?

    nice and comfy

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