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Rock hard bud.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MondoFiction, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. I picked up an eighth earlier today and I immediately noticed that the buds were hard. Not just dense, I mean actually difficult to break apart by hand. Aside from that, it looks pretty decent. I was just wondering what might have caused it to be so firm.
  2. Were/are they compacted? Combine that with being a little dry and you could get hard bud.
  3. Well was it dank or reg?
    If it was dank it was probably sprayed or somethin, if it was reg it was just brick weed c'mon son its common knowledge here..
  4. I've bought some dank like that. it broke teeth off my grinder. :smoke:
  5. I've had trainwreck so dense my friend's brother thought there were pills in my bottle:smoke:
  6. dude its fine...smoke it, seriously, weed comes in all types of consistency....ive had a nug the size of my pinky nail that weighed 1.8 grams, does it look like less than an 8th? even if it does i say youve got nothing to worry about...have fun
  7. ps the title of this thread is borderline homosexual haha
  8. One comma away from a totally different meaning.. I see it now! :smoke:

    If they are beasters its probably because less care is taken after harvest and is usually harvested for weight, not quality, but can still be some good green. Most guys that grow in 'rotation' that I've met choose to use grow methods that result in alot of density, and grow tons of the stuff.
  9. My current weed is pretty hard to. But its just a really dense indica.

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