Robert Reich: What An Honest President Would Say About Health Reform

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dronetek, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. Another view in to the mind of the people running our country now. Here Robert Reich basically indoctrinates these students to believe they need to lie about health care reform to get it done. He goes on to say that old people will have to die. Which was denied up and down by the democrats.

    [ame=]YouTube - Robert Reich: What An Honest President Would Say About Health Reform[/ame]
  2. If by the "people running our country right now" you mean everyone on both sides of the political spectrum, "liberals" and "conservatives," then I agree with you.
  3. What conservatives/Republicans are pushing this sort of extreme policy? As far as running the country, Democrats control the congress and White House. Not to mention Hollywood and the media.
  4. #4 Raoul Duke II, Oct 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2009
    not this fucking policy. I mean these tactics in general.

    Jesus christ I get sick of these threads. Everyday, its some new "omg, fucking LIBRALZ" shit and you completely ignore any wrongs by the "conservative" side. And every thread goes the same way:

    Drone: libralz are evool. look wut they're doing!!

    Someone else: yeah, that's the same thing the "conservatives" did just a couple years ago

    Drone: MSM sucks! don't U c they hatez conservatives!!!

    SE: sure, the "liberal" channels route their guys on just like "conservative" media does.

    Drone: ALL MEDIA"s LIBRALZ!!! Theres n ntire nation aginst conservativers!!!!

    SE: Then why is it that "conservatives" continually hold about the same amount of influence in our government as "liberals"

    Drone: NUH UH!!! DAM LIBRALZ!!

    SE: facepalm

    Jesus christ man. get over this shit! Why can't you fucking see that both sides do whatever they can to get elected whenever they can. They don't have any ideology. They have power hunger. Regardless of whatever policy is being pushed through, both sides do the same exact politicking! Yet, you only feel persuaded enough to get angry when the politicians with the fake ass electable ideologies that disagree with you do it. Why?
  5. First off, there is no real conservative media that does any -real- coverage. Fox News is really a waste of broadcasting, but so are all of these liberal-fucking CNNs, ABCs and MSNs.

    Conservatives do not hold equal power with the liberals in both office and congress. You're a fool if you say that.

    Now mind you, I think the Democrats and Republicans all needed to be booted out. I really see them all as old-backwater thinking, progressive or not. Many of these guys don't seem to have a clue, or care, about the American people.
  6. #6 Raoul Duke II, Oct 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2009

    stop, stop, obviously have never heard anything I've said before on here so I'll recap

    I'm in total agreement with you on the media thing so you're not teaching me anything here. Dronetek, however, does beleive there are differing sdes of the media and the only way to talk to him is in those terms

    Secondly, I wasn't talking about just this term. I'm well aware the republicans lost the congress this time, but that's not what I mean. I'm talking continually. Over the last 50 or 60 years the spread of power is about equal:

    Democrat control
    Republican control
    Democrat control
    Divided share
    Republican control
    Republican control
    Democrat control
    Divided share
    Democrat control

    It just goes back and forth between the two and that's what I mean. Overall they hold the same amount of influence. I was not talking about an instantaneous snapshot of our government. And in all honesty, republican have been in control the majority of the time. pretty good for fighting against a liberal media, huh?
  7. You don't know me as well as you think you do, because I completely agree with what he said. You assumed you knew what I believed in.

    Why cant you guys address the topic? Why must you and those like you always launch in to attacks on me?
  8. #8 Raoul Duke II, Oct 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2009

    Because this is retarded. Your original beef wasn't with the policy it is with what he does. Your angry that he's using these tactics to push this policy you disagree with. your original disagreement was that "[he] basically indoctrinates these students to believe they need to lie about health care reform to get it done" I guess I'll go off and find an example of a "conservative" doing this now if that's what you want.

    oh wait...I don't have to. Every politician ever, including conservatives, lies about everything to get it done, because if they told the truth, they wouldn't get elected. They're much more concerned with their own power than their "ideologies." The problem is that you're only concerned with their power grabs when it disagrees with your ideology.
  9. I think "universal-public option-single payer" healthcare bill should be passed by Congress and also marijuana for medical purposes should be included in that bill federally mandating it to all 50 states; and ot top of that an OZ of some dank shit on every 1st of the month should be given to every person who chooses to go with the public option.

    Then will see some real competition from private insurance carriers... they'll start throwin in some dankier stuff... aka 'private-option' ;):smoking:
  10. Somehow I don't believe the official position of the Democrats is that old people are immortal

    Anyway, that video is two years old

    But since in your other thread you defend Rush Limbaugh to the death by presenting his original quotes and explaining them, I'm sure you'll be satisfied by Obama's explanation regarding end-of-life counseling:


  11. Oh noes! Death! Runaway!

    Good thing we're all afraid of death, otherwise politicians would have a lot less ammunition.

    ..And if Grandma can't walk or talk or change the channel on the TV, maybe, just maybe, she'd be better off with the plug pulled.

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