Roach free joints using fresh mint leaves

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by StayLitArt, May 9, 2023.

  1. Tired of dealing with roaches I finally found something that works. We have an easy to grow mint plant and the leaves are a great "filter" for a joint. Using fresher leaves make it easy, just roll up the leaf, starting with the stem so it doesn't poke the paper. Then pop it on one side as you roll it up. When smoking and it hits the "filter" it sizzles, letting you know it is done. Then ball it up and poof - no roach. Works for me, so sharing it. You can hardly overwater a mint plant and one has turned into three already, happy smoking.
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  2. You can most certainly overwater mint. It prefers moist soil but not saturated. Were I growing mint (I am) I would put it in a 3 gallon smart pot in promix HP. Depending on plant size it would need to be watered once evey 3 days initially, up to maybe once a day when it's become developed. Leaves as roach clips is not a new concept, but mint is a tasty choice if one happens to have some fresh mint handy........if not, save those roaches and smoke them in a bong if needs be.
  3. [​IMG]
    really tough roots so keep the plant contained

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