my lifelong friend and best friend throughout our childhood's dad passed away yesturday. i dont know exactly what was wrong with him, but hes been sick for a while. he was the father figure for me til i was around 13 and stopped going over to their house as much... but he always thought of me as a son. my friends mom had me come see him a couple of weeks ago. im really happy she did, because it was on a day where he was doing good, and she didnt think he had much time left... but i didnt think it would be this soon. so, this J goes out to the father figure of my life, the dad my dad has never tried to be, but more importantly its my friends dad, this one goes out to you Rick. to anyone who will, send some positive vibes to the family. i know some of you like to do that.
I'm very sorry to hear that bro. I'll keep yours and his families in my prayers. RIP Rick..hope your in a better place.
R.I.P Slick Rick. OP, my thoughts are with you... be glad you had the experience of knowing Rick and know that you were loved by him. He's not in pain any longer, but he'll be around, watching you. Stay out of trouble for him.
Crazy respect for this post, and crazy respect for all the men who go out of their way to be father-figures to kids who don't have one in their life.
RIP Slick Rick - being a good father (or father figure) is the greatest gift you can give to anyone, period. God bless you Rick. I know his legacy will live on through his teaching and influence upon you and his son throughout the years.
im going over to his house later. me and this guy have been friends since he was born. im 6 months older than he is. and we hung out as bestfriends til we were around 13 then i dont know what really happened, but we're still good friends. me and some other friends of ours tried keeping his mind off of it last night, by riding around town and just goofing off, he didnt feel like smoking. he had us take him home after a little while though. but Rick was a good man. like everyone else he made his mistakes in the past. i remember me and his son would be chillin on the bed watching Halloween (it was always Halloween), we were no older than 7 or 8, and his dad would make us some fries or chicken nuggets, or both. and we'd pig out. then biscuits the next morning, lol. he'd always take us fishing, but his son wasnt much for that. and anyone else want to share stories of a fallen loved one or anything, feel free to.
I miss my good friend who has been gone for 6 months. Today, I can't stop thinking about him... maybe because he should be here with me at school... maybe because I wish I could talk to him or something... egh, fuck it, it's bad enough to make me want to be alone today. I'm skipping the activities tonight. Just too sad for a night out.
i remember you making a post a while back... was it about him? and man that sucks... i dont know what i would do if i lost my best friend or one of my closer friends. i think we're going to have a fire tonight at his house and hang out though. were going to last night but didnt do it. he dont want to drink or smoke though, its respectable. but the smoke will be there if he wants to.
Hold on to those memories and cherrish them forever; they were his gift to you. Remember how he treated you and pass that love on to the next generation or anybody in need. I hope you, your friend and his family can recover from this loss. Peace be with you all. RIP Rick, you were a good man. I feel for you, I know it's been 6 months since he passed but anybody who's loss somebody that close knows that you never truly heal from a loss of that calibre. Remember that you still have friends here at GC. Peace be with you as well buddy.