Riding the Robo Train with Tokinblue last night! Agent Lemon extraction instructions!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by nushaganazad, May 3, 2008.

  1. Hey guys, whats going on? :wave:

    Well the past like 4 or 5 days i have left work, gone to Tokins house, left there, gone to work, and back and forth:hello:, havent been home in a while due to conflicts with grandma :(. It has me mad anxious and nervous. :eek:

    Alright well we were about out of weed last night but then i made 75 bucks in tips at work, so i wanted to reup while i was in kentucky, since nate lives in ohio,(long drive i make a couple times a day now :mad:).

    Well come to find out all my regular dudes were dry, and it was going on midnight so i wasnt going to hassle anyone else. So i stop at Krogers and pick up two bottles of the 20 robitussin gel caps so that i can go up to nates and eat up both of those and he will babysit me like usual :eek: what would i do without nate lol :p

    Alright well as soon as i get there i show him and im like...

    Agent Lemon Extraction Guideline's.

    Please dont do this unless expierienced. this is very dangerous and could potentially kill you. for other questions you can always refer to Erowid.

    Me-whats up Budday?>!
    Nate-BUDDAYYBUDDAYYBUDDAYYY!!! <-this is like our ritual. :laughing:
    Me-Hey, i still got some cash, can you get some bud?
    Nate-Nah man i dont think so.
    Me-Well i picked up some RObo(he usually doesnt like doing it so i didnt get him any)
    Nate-Agent Lemon?
    Me-no just pills
    Me- If u wanna do some, lets go get the shit mayne!?!?!?!??! :smoking:

    So we leave, go get All the neccessary ingrediants.
    1/2)if u dont want to use baggies for the shaking a cleaned out 2 liter works great, the ammonia wont melt the plastic
    1)Large very sturdy ziplock baggies. You much get the ones that seal very well at the top if your going to use this instead of a 2 liter for the shaking portion of this.
    2)Citric Acid-We used lemon juice concentrate.
    3)Ammonia-The clear kind, not the one with lemon scent or anything
    4)Rosonal or zippo lighter fluid- if you cant find this, we found it at walmart in the isle to check out where they sell cig's. Its in a yellow squirt bottle with blue writing on it.
    Most importantly.
    5)and of course Robitussin. This is crucial to get the right stuff. The only safe usable robitussin is the Robitussin Cough "Long Acting" bottle, or the pills(very fun as well). You can also use CVS's rip off brand, the large 8 oz bottle is the same stuff as the robitussin long acting and is cheaper and bigger lol. Each 4 oz bottle averages out to 350 mg or ml or whatever it is, i just know 350 is the number i dont know what measurement system.

    So we purchased everything but the cough syrup and rosonal at kroger's, came to only a few dollars total and the cough syrup costs the most. But we stopped a few places and had bought in total 4 4 oz bottles and 1 8 zoz bottle from cvs. BTW you can only legally purchase 3 bottles of cought syrup at walmart. Make sure what you buy ONLY has Dextromethorphan in it and NO Guaffinessin in it(spelling might be off)

    Alright so you start with dumping all cough syrup into the 2 liter and fill with an equal amount of ammonia(make sure you have ventalation, this smell is horrible), and then squirt in about 1/2 inch layer of rosonal(this will sit ontop of the red liquid so you can judge accodiangly.

    Shake this hardcore, hardcore, we were told to shake for 5 mins, we shook it for 6 lol (By the way you are basically being chemists doing this, this is breaking down and seperating molucules, MOLUCULES! i think its very cool how as a drugie i know some smart shit lol)

    ALright well after shaking it dump it into one of the large bags and seal, let this sit and in a few minutes it should seperate again. one small layer on top of clear liquid, and the bottom layer of red.

    AFter it is completely seperated hold it at an angle and "cut" the corner of the baggie out and let the red bullshit drain out. we are super paranoid about wasting drugs so we took a kitchen knife and knicked a very small hole into the corner and just let it slowly drain out. We luckely got all the red out and didnt have to deal with much, but you can filter this a few times by adding water and shaking and doing the same process. Just be clear to get rid of ALL of the red. ALL OF IT!!! :mad: This has ammonia in it and should NOT be digested! The rosonal is still in the baggie with the DXM...you want to save all the clear liquid and dump it into another container, mason jars work well.

    After that dump (all we could find was to use an equal amount) of citric acid, or lemon extract juice.....now its time to shake again. Another 5-6 mins, let seperate.

    Now there are 2 new layers the bottom layer should be the DXM with citric acid, and top layer(this is the bad layer, we want the bottom layer)

    SO we cut out the corner of the baggie again and drained it into a cup for later, and then got rid of the rest of the shit.

    To be completely careful we boiled the "agent lemon" final product on low heat for a few mins, the theory here is if there is anymore of the shitty stuff this will eleminate it all if u boil it out.

    So now you have (from what we did) about 2100 mg of pure dxm. Except you lose about 10 percent so we had rougly 1800 we guess.

    We split in two, and let cool down and took it like shot's. Trust me this is the most bitter taste ever! Worse than any pill, worse than ANYTHING! so be ready and make sure you dont have a weak stomach.

    The whole process from start to finish not including shopping took less than an hour. Close to 50 mins.

    So after taking it, the onset(headchange started it for me) kicked in in about 30 mins we smoked a bowl and a cig, and that was it for the weed, we had 1 bowl left we were going to smoke mid trip. BUT NO!

    If nate wants to report his trip in this thread he is welcome too but im not going to tell what happened with him.

    well After about an hour i am fully engulfed in the worst itch of my life. Just dieing scratching myself hardcore!

    I asked nate he said yeah im rubbing my head. I said NO WAY i am fucking DIGGING IN! i was sooo itchy:smoking:(fine this morning lol) Well of what i do remember i know that after about 1.5 hours i was full blown tripping, hardcore. I mean BLOWN it was about 430-500 in the morning by this time.

    At about 530(2 hours in) i got instantly ill, told nate i need the garbage can from him, handed it to my with my eyes clothes, and BAM nasty nasty nasty puke!

    Wayy too much DXM for me but i loved every bit of it until the puking(which only sucked from the absolutly horrid taste!) So after that i decided to fall asleep at 6 because i had to work that day, i woke up at 11 am and was just fine, no hangover or nothing. I had an amazing TIME!!

    So what doyou guys think? Any insight, anything wrong with my directions?

    Good luck and happy trippin! :hippie:
  2. Wow, no one else responded to this? Where are all my dex heads at around GC? I know there used to be quite a few :confused:

    I think you wrote it all down correctly man, but just in case, if anyone wants to try this themselves go here:

    Scroll to the agent lemon process and follow their procedures (we prefer using the ziplock baggies they mention)

    Happy tripping :smoke:
  3. oh god i loved the dex. .

    until i was taking so much i could actually feel my brain hurting for a few days afterward.

    i would never take it back though everything ive learned from psychadellics is completely invalueable in my humble numble opinion
  4. yeah I hear that. After the higher plateaus comes the dex hangovers..... Bleh
  5. yeah man that sounds awesome.

    my fave DXM trip was after eating 3 good hits of blotter, but i cant imagine doing th extract i only ate 20 gels
  6. So what I want to know is if the extraction was really worth it. It seems like it just purifies the DXM by getting rid of the extra bullshit in the capsules. But can the trip really be improved that much? Was the next day easier or the same? (you know the hangovers)

    I know you said it only takes 50 minutes but I could be already trippin by then by just poppin the reg caps instead of doin the extract. So was is worth it in summary/
  7. In summary if im not going to be buying the robo pills and i was doing another large dose like 2-3 or more bottles i would much rather do the extraction, worth it every time so i dont have to taste the caught syrup.

    And i have never had a hangover in my life, from anything, so you will have to ask nate about that. I felt great after 3 or 4 hours of sleep, i was up for the day, and well im still up, its 7 am the next morning after the morning after.

    In my opinion if im going to do <600 i would just do the pills. But if im doing more than a 600 dose i would do the extraction.

    Nate? your opinion
  8. Like nush said, it is worth it if you plan to take higher levels and can't bring yourself to swallow that many pills or drink that much cough syrup. The trip definitely comes on more smoothly than pills as it comes on in little rushes as the pills all dissolve. However, it also comes on much more intense as you are essentially taking a highly potent shot of DXM.

    Like Nushaga said, if you plan to go upwards of 600mg, I say definitely go for the extraction. It doesn't take too long to do.
  9. whats the point of the extraction? You still got sick.
  10. I'm always drinkin some syzurp.

    But I just drink it straight, no need to do the extraction.
  11. last week i took a bunch of dxm with a ambien, i blacked out around 1 and my dad came in the computer room at 5 and said hey lucas. and i puked all over the place. it scared the shit out of me. because i could of died if i puked and choked on it. for some reason ambien has a very hallugenogenic effect on me and that combined with a lot of dxm just mayed me sit in a daze. the time i took ambien before id be so tired that id blink and then im in a different room. im a pretty hard tripper too. this was by far my scariest experiance with any drug. so to get to my point. be careful with dxm people. just because its over the counter it can be very dangerous too.

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