Rick Perry WTF?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HongKongPhooey, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Rick Perry Jumps Into the Lead - Rasmussen

    Seriously, wtf? Who the hell is this guy?

    This is of course the big news of the day, even though in the fine print it says only 1000 likely GOP voters were polled.:rolleyes:
  2. You have to remember the MSM is trying to create a consensus to keep the status quo running. They will report anyone but Ron Paul is winning even though he is beating most others in the straw polls. Propaganda is a powerful tool for control.
  3. Rick Perry is acceptable to the establishment because the establishment picked him (Bilderberg 2007 meeting in Istanbul Turkey).

    Most republicans will jump on his bandwagon because the TV and talk radio told them to.
  4. Im rick fuckng perry bitch. Cowboy slinger tough on obama soft on policy

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