
Discussion in 'General' started by kstev, Jul 14, 2012.

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  1. This guy owes me about $650 which he refused to pay back from about three months ago and I haven't talked to him since. I have the key to his house which I have been saving until all of this blows over and he forgot about me, which has pretty much happened. Should I rob him now or just forget about it and learn from my mistakes of loaning money to friends? I would have immediately tried to jump him after this happened but he has some pretty low life friends that I don't want to get involved with.
  2. Just forget about it and NEVER lend a friend money. Ever.
  3. Ay man fuck that *****:laughing: People like that ain't even worth your time, obv. he ain't your boy if he owez you $650 and you guyz haven't talked in like 3 monthz
  4. It's going to be HILARIOUS when you rob him and go to jail... Because then his insurance will replace what you stole, you'll be in trouble, and still out $650.

    Handle him face to face, not like a street rat.

  5. Good call posting this on a public internet forum.
  6. you can't discuss violent acts like that here.

    lesson learned dude.. don't loan money to friends or family unless you are willing to never see it again.

    luckily for you it was only $650
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