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Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Joshua50187, May 11, 2011.

  1. This is a pic from a Closet/Grow tent grow that a friend is currently doing, Thoughts and opinions welcome of course.

    Start: seed
    Veg. 8 weeks <--- he wasn't Prepared
    400 watt MH
    temp: 89*F to 110*F <----- before he got an Exhaust fan
    DFL: 48 inches lowered to 24 then raised to 36 when the plants started to burn.
    ph: 6.5-7.5 ??? <---- got a crappy meter
    Soil: MG 6 month feed

    Flo. 1 week
    400 watt HPS
    Temp: 72*F to 93*F <----- after he got the Fan (93 only when it reached around 85 in the outer room)

    DFL: 24 inches <---- No burning ever occurred after the Fan

    Everything else stayed the same. (Terrible pic I know but he took it for vanity)
    Final Height: 32 Inches in picture

    Sadly this was found to be a male plant and chopped soon after this pic more pics to come of other plants... Female plants

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