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resin scraping help

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thebigtokinator, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. when scraping resin out of my bowl it is usally more of a goo, but a few weeks ago a buddy of mine scraped his bowl and stem from his bong and the resin had taken on a powderish texture why is this?
  2. Because he does not know how to ash/cash (what ever you want to call it) his bowl... lol
  3. Yep ^^^^

    That ash and dried up resin
  4. so i want my resin to be goo

  5. No, you don't want resin at all. Throw that shit out man.
  6. [quote name='"KyleMatthew"']

    No, you don't want resin at all. Throw that shit out man.[/quote]

    Some people like to smoke it when they are dry, myself included.
  7. Resin is the gooey black stuff. The powder is probably ash.

    And to those saying that resin is shit, it'll still get ya high though
  8. dirt E
  9. [quote name='"p00nd"']
    dirt E[/quote]

    I don't think so.
  10. [quote name='"BLAZE JDM"']

    And to those saying that resin is shit, it'll still get ya high though[/quote]

    haha it sure does! With bud being as expensive as it is where I'm located, if I can get high twice without buying another sack, that's cool in my book. If bud was as cheap as it is for a lot of you blades I probably wouldn't smoke it.
  11. quality of resin depend on quality of weed and how much went thru unburnt.

    and it may taste like crap but if you are out I too say it's better than nothin at all

    and if i had a choice i wouldn't smoke it either.

    I always kick myself later for not saving it when clean my pipe and I have plenty of weed and think that i will never run out. i would rather smoke pot out of a clean pipe. But we can't ALL get what we want, can we?:smoke:

  12. Yup, the attractiveness of rez is inversely related to how much money you have. A couple months ago I had a decent fulltime seasonal job and I could afford to always have fresh weed, I'd buy 8ths or quarters and always re-up when I got to the last couple bowl packs. Now that I'm broke as fuck, my pieces are scraped pretty clean.

    I have noticed that if I get a shit-ton of rez, like if I haven't scraped my bong in a few weeks, I don't even enjoy smoking it all. I'll smoke a couple hits and leave it at that just because of how nasty it tastes.
  13. #13 Tectonic420, Jan 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2012
    Yeah, if I wasn't still going through school so I can make a living and buy all the weed I want, I might take the "resin is dirty" stance, but guess what, weed is expensive here, and I am not wealthy.
  14. [quote name='"codytownshend"']

    Yup, the attractiveness of rez is inversely related to how much money you have.

    Haha couldn't of said it better myself.

    And idk I guess it's just me but I don't mind the taste of resin. Haha I guess I'm weird.
  15. put the piece out in the cold and let the resin dry.....then scrape it.....or u can clean your piece out and collect the resin and let dry......whats wrong with smoking resin all u cork sniffers?

  16. Didn't really bother me until I went through a long period of always having bud. Once I got used to only always smoking fresh green bowls the idea of black tar rez isn't as tasty as it once was.

    But that doesn't stop the rez from building up, and sooner or later I'm gonna be dry enough to not care.
  17. pour rubbing alcohol into your piece and shake it up. pour it onto a plate and let it evaporate. you can speed this up with a fan blowing down on it. what is left will be resin

  18. I clean my pipe with alcohol, but never thought to save THAT. Does the alcohol taste go away? resin tastes any better! I'm cleaning my pipe today, because I have new weed, but I'll save it (the resin) and find out at a later date. when i run out. which i hope is not too soon.

    I know you can clean your grinder with dry ice to get that yummy sticky stuff out. I haven't tried it yet, but plan to as soon as it gets full up again. A friend told me how he does it yesterday.
  19. [quote name='"Allmine"']
    Does the alcohol taste go away?[/quote]

    Yes...the alcohol evaporates. So it's not there anymore.
  20. that is so pro!!!

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