I don't have Adobe or any image software on my computer that I can do this with, but it is really easy, and Ill +rep to whoever does it for me. http://fc13.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/209/d/0/Sky_of_War_by_Jeshi_Weshi.jpg Take that image, shrink it down to 300 pixels wide, 125 pixels tall(from site rules) and in the upper right corner have it say sk3y Plus if you can put a border on it 1.5px all solid black. Thanks again!
Hey, yea I'd help, my computer is mega slow. You should open up a photobucket account @ http://www.photobucket.com you can shrink your images when you go into edit section. They also let you write over the images with different kinds of fonts. If no one gets to your request, at least you have this option out there for you.