Repotting Question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by chillin1, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Hey all,
    So I currently have two plants that have been in soil (FFOF) for 35 days and two plants that have been in soil (FFOF) for 24 days. The two larger plants are in 15" pots and have been in these pots for about 15 days. Since being in the larger pots and watering the plants the soil in the pots has recessed a good 3" or 4," as such do you guys think it would be necessary to repot the larger of the two older plants prior to flowering? I only say this as the largest plant in the bunch has shown female preflowers and it is requiring watering every two days which I realize is an early sign of the plant being rootbound. Additionally, I don't want to reduce the yield off of the plant by not allowing it enough room to grow. Finally, my last question was whether repotting a plant now that its 18" tall and 23" wide could possibly shock it and cause it to change sex. Thanks for any info. By the way, this photo is about six days old so the plant has grown a good amount. Also, the plant I'm thnking about repotting is in the back left of the photo.


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