Reparations for our African Americans Friends.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by landrace, Jun 15, 2018.


Do you Agree with Patrick Little idea to give Reparations to African Americans?

Poll closed Jun 22, 2018.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Media told me he's a Neo Nazi, Alt Right, Pro White hater.

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  1. The Jewish Bolsheviks did not inflict the Holodomor upon the Ukrainian people, that was Stalin.
    I don't know how you can blame Jews for that?

    The Russian Revolution was needed, the people of Russia were on their knees while the scumbag Czar and his family feasted and partied. The Jews who took part are heroes not villains.

  2. How exactly am i trying to control others thoughts? I'm have a rational discussion with multiple other blades. I have articulated my points and cited evidence to support my claim respectively. I'm not in any position nor power on GC to influence others people by force.

    I haven't restricted anyone communication, as I do not have the powers of an Administrator. I think you're upset, I'm sorry you feel that way. I would strongly encourage taking a break from this discussion if it upsets. These are just ideas we stoners are throwing around, nothing more.

    I disagree, I have cited multiple sources to support my claim and pointed out inconsistencies and flaws in other peoples arguments on this topic and world war 2.

    Alexander the Great and Genghis Kan are still glorified in western media such as Hollywood be it Movies such as "Alexander The Great" or "Marco Pollo" or the Net-flicks series. We observed even naming your child Alexander is still a well respected name; but to think of the ramification of Adolf.

    I cannot attest to what you've heard.

    I'm not sure, but if you read my previous post, I cited multiple sources validating your feelings. It's not matter of opinion it's a fact. Adolf Hitler didn't start world war 2. Had WW2 never happened there won't be no Interment camps be in Germany or America (Japan).

    Hitler never mentioned gassing the Jews. They're no official Nazi documentation and/or footage confirming the "final solution" in which you're referring too.

    You're entitled to your opinion as am I.

    False Equivalency Mass Murders and Serial Killers are two different things.

    Interesting article that explains the difference between a serial killer and mass murder.
    How Mass Murder and Serial Murder Differ

  3. I'm not blaming the Jews for that, a survivor of the Holodomor. Nobel-Prize-Winning Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is blaming the jews.
    in his own words:

    “You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and victim of Jewish Bolshevism (Marxism).

    @SmokinP The Bolsheviks were Terrorist the staged multiple attempted assassination and succeeded killing Czar Alexander II in 1855. When you have a foreign violent political actor that succeeded in killing your family. That will change the discourse of History and explains why other Tzars attempted to stop the dissidents.

    History TV
  4. Any day a monarch is disposed of is a good day. I cannot see anything wrong in slaughtering the bastards.

    The Bolshevik Jews of Russia along with being revolutionaries were the intellectuals of the time. They were not terrorists, they were heroes. To try and claim that this was an invasion or takeover of Russia is absurd.

  5. upload_2018-6-21_1-21-11.png
    The ‘Philosophy Steamer’: Why did Lenin expel Russian intellectuals?
  6. #86 SmokinP, Jun 21, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
    He should have shot those bourgeois, not deported them. That was the only error there. They were shilling for the monarchy and outraged that the people had revolted against them.

    We're not going to find agreement here my friend, I cannot see anything wrong with disposing of any form of monarchy by any means necessary.

    Edit: Azz must be getting all confused here, he's convinced we're the same person. Lol
  7. Interesting you haven't cited any sources for your claims, I'm just curious of your sources.

    In any event friend, not all revolution is born out of violence. Perhaps you should invest some time in how Brazil acquired Independence from Portugal interesting story.
  8. The Brazilian story is the exception imo. I spent a lot of time in Rio over the years and lived up in the mountains of Teresopolis for a while.

    What I wouldn't give to be on the beach in Rio now surrounded by delicious cariocas. :(
    • Like Like x 1
  9. #90 Lightning, Jun 23, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2018
    Ever read animal farm? The pigs(Soviets) ended up being more worst and tyrannical than the farmer(The Tsar) they overthrew. Interesting thing is that this pattern is applicable to a lot of points in history not just Russia.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. The pigs are also what has destroyed Western democracy. Those damn pigs, no wonder the Jews and Muslims aren't keen.
  11. The Jews and Muslims should know their religions are full of shit simply because they prohibit eating a pulled pork sandwich. They are pretty tasty but they aren't so wonderful enjoying them should be a sin
  12. Have you ever sampled Clonality Black Pudding? I agree with you Ed, the city I'm from is known as Pig Town because of the amount of slaughter houses/bacon factories in town. We're famous for our pigs. :)
  13. I haven't tried that stuff but I see it's pretty well tolerated by the Irish. I do like black puddings. Do the Muslims around there work at the pig farms/slaughter houses?
  14. Not that I know of Ed, they're not too fond of the auld pigs after all but I've seen a fair few working in fast food outlets, they'd have no choice but to handle pork there with the amount of battered sausages sold. Lot's of them working in the beef slaughter houses though, we export a lot of beef to the middle east and they send over their own bucks to do the killing halal style.

    The whole pork thing makes no sense to me, food is food and if you're hungry enough you'd eat it.
  15. Hitler was an addict. Where's the reparations for the Chinese and Irish? Reparations are B.s. plain and simple.
  16. Lol at the people still arguing about reparations .... lmao
  17. The ultimate solution?

    How about instead of thinking that we HAVE TO/NEED TO spend this money??

    How about we either keep it? ((WOW!!)

    Or - We pay off some of our National Debt??

    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. I was wondering why all your posts were edited and *gone*...

    That said I feel exactly the same way - giving people money that have a certain color skin isn’t going to do anybody any good whatsoever… History has sucked many times in many forms but that doesn’t mean generations later those peoples great great great grandkids get money because of it??

    If that was the case the Jews and blacks and for that matter anybody that wasn’t “Arian White” should get a lump sum from Germany, right?

    Several other folks in this thread brought up the fact that their ancestors were wronged in one way or another… if anyone opens the door with reparations who says what’s fair and what isn’t. If you start it with one group that was wronged throughout history - who is to say how far back we should go and who sets the credentials for who should get money and who shouldnt...

    Genghis Khan was brought up. So any descendants of people that were hurt by him and his people should get reparations as well, correct? It is said that he killed over 40 million. Anyone that has had land taken from them throughout history should get their land back, correct? Who decides what that land is worth? The Indians that used to live in what is now Manhattan should get millions and millions then, correct?

    If it would happen for black folks ( actually descendants of and many times removed)
    Then you would need to do it for everyone else so it wouldn’t be fair right? History sucks sometimes but giving money to descendants isn’t an answer.

    OP Says that he wants to give it to the black people because it’s a better option then giving it to Israel. I say why do we feel the need to spend it at all?? Imagine if we were to actually keep it in the United States instead or as I stated above to pay off some of our own national debt.

    • Like Like x 2
  19. I don’t understand the “LOL” - you’re the one that brought this up.

    • Agree Agree x 1
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