Removing bottom branches

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Surphinjoe, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. Is it safe to remove the bottom branches of plant so I can water better. I thought this would shock the plant. Also during watering I notice I get a lot of water run off. My gauge says I'm at 7 for water but I question how much moisture is being retained?

  2. I remove all the little branches at the bottom that are not going to produce anything much when harvesting the entire plant at once....Unless you plan on clipping the tops and allowing a 2nd growth then I see no major issue with that. I have removed all my lower branches in the last few weeks to just get a nice clean debris free area under my plants.

    Try watering with a light spray or water can that sprinkles the water on and allowing the soil to get damp first, then it absorbs the water rather then running off due to being dry at the surface...
  3. Hated to do it, but I cleared two lower branches today. I guess I can try and make tea.
    Thanks for the advice on the soil. UPDATE: I used a mini hoe to turn the soil over a teeny bit and it looks like its helped with retaining water. Thx - J

  4. No problem man! Happy harvest bro :smoking:

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