Now I'm not gonna put down anyone's religion because I believe in freedom and the ability to do what you want. But when you try and force it on somebody isn't that wrong? My mom has told me for the past 3 months she wanted me to "renew" my mind. Now I thought that was putting people around me with different views than me for 3 months, even though some views are positive while others are negative. Well that wasn't quite it. Turns out she wants me to just believe that there is a god, she doesn't care which religion. But freedom of religion is something you have the ability to use but it doesn't say anywhere, freedom to put your religion on someone else. I've tried to explain to her that the only thing we really have the ability to control our selves is our own mind and that no one should try and change it and I've been trying to explain this to her for about a year and she just acts like I never said that. I could just lay down and die and say I believe in god and she could get off my back about this whole thing, because that's all she complains to me about, but I'm not gonna put a gun in my mouth and let her pull the trigger. Life is about freedom, and when you let someone else control it for you is when that thing becomes negative, in this sense, religion and god more and more are becoming negative for me. She doesn't understand that when I feel I need a god or religion in my life that it will come to me and should never force someone to believe in something.
Well I kinda know how you feel. My sister says that I live in the house of the devil and that I don't believe in god and that I need Jesus in my life to strighten me out. That me smoking is killing myself and hurting my hole family. Just let her talk man. Just because she "wants" you to believe something doesn't mean you have to.
i know where your coming from, but remember that its people who force religion on others, not the religion itself... im currently studying Islam with the intent to convert and its very fulfilling for me, it just brings about a happiness that ive never experienced before as it says in the Qur'an, "there is no compulsion in religion"
haha tell her you found god... and his name is lucifer, and that he talks to you and helps you with all of your problems in a positive manner
Dude, the other day I was smoking with my friend and her cousin and her cousin started going off about all this Jesus shit and how the devil is in music and whatnot, it was kind of fucked up and we were all so high we got freaked out haha, crazy overly religious manipulated people.
Yeah, pick gnosticism! lucifer = light-bearer [edit]: well, I guess you can't talk to the devil that way though :/
religion = look how silly he looks praying to "MR MEAT", surely they must know that "MR CHEESE" is the real god!!!! PATHETIC
She believes. She believes in a god. She believes she will find some sort of salvation through her belief in that god. She cares about you, and wishes to 'enlighten' you to this concept. She is trying to help you. However, you do not agree with her. This is fine. Listen to her ideas and then share yours with her. Who knows, she might end up being the one who becomes enlightened. She is just playing the parent role. Don't let the love she is trying to convey turn into anger within yourself.