Refreshments recommendation after smoke?

Discussion in 'General' started by EleazarB, May 10, 2016.

  1. Does anyone would like to share their favorite refreshment after smoke? If I may to share my favorite one then I would to say pure orange juice with lots of pulp. It's absolutely a must have!!! Made by Tropicana, the sensation during consume is incredible and when it's all the way down the throat I feel tingly all over my body.

    I started smoking when I was a working student back in early 2000 but only last year I've become a certified daily smoker. However, after doing so my mouth become so dry but when drinking 100% juice your mouth won't be as dry. I'm sure many of you have already know that drinking sort of juice will make you feel better.
  2. Mountain Dew...The Dew of the Gods.:coolalt:
  3. Jones soda

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  4. Arizona green tea with ginseng and honey

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