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Refining Alcohol

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by bmstation, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. I created this thread because I have had many people ask me. "Is there anyway I could use a low percentage alcohol to make ISO Oils." If you've asked this question this thread is for you.
    I know at least one person will post. "Why don't you just go buy a stronger solvent (alcohol)." This is for the people that can't go out and grab a bottle of 99% or for the people that just want to try something new.

    Ok now on with the show.
    You will need.
    1.Mason Jar (make that two)
    2. 1/3 cup salt Peter or Epsom salt
    3. Squeeze syringe(anything to suck liquid up)
    4. Measuring Cup


    For this lab I will be using 50% alcohol
    (50%iso/50% water)

    Step 1.
    Measure out you Alcohol and "salt".
    3 parts Iso to 1 part salt.
    Ex. 3 cups ISo=1cup salt

    Step Two.
    Mix the salt and the ISo. And stir for 30 sec
    (Some people say you have to heat up the salt to activate it but it works for me with out heating)

    Step Three.
    Let sit for one hour.
    When you come back from smoking down while you wait. You will notice a differance in the liquid.
    There is two layers.
    The top layer is the pure ISO alcohol. That's what you want.

    In the picture you can see the two separate layers if you look close.

    Step Four.
    Get the top layer out of there.
    Use your syringe to suck the top layer out and outing it in a clean glass container. Be careful not to mix the two layers or the alcohol will be diluted.



    Step Five.
    Close you new jar of 99% and make some ISO hash. I would recommend storing in freezer.

    As for that left over you can use it for cuts and scraps. Or any kind of cleaning.

    Later on ill post how to test purity in ISO. Of anyone has a method they want me to post just lettme know.

    Attached Files:

  2. Thats pretty dope man, nice post
  3. [quote name='"kancastank"']Thats pretty dope man, nice post[/quote]

    Thanks dude hope it helps ya out.
  4. [quote name='"bmstation"']

    Thanks dude hope it helps ya out. I have some other cool post. You should check em out.

  5. [quote name='"bmstation"']

    Thanks dude hope it helps ya out.[/quote]

    Check out my other post I'm sure you will like them.
  6. wow that's awesome man..

    it's weird how if you use the 99% stuff, the trim doesn't even get it's still crispy afterwards...but any amount of water content will turn the trim into a soggy lump that you have to wring out kinda...yeh I dunno I'm high. :p
  7. [quote name='"Bongsauce"']wow that's awesome man..

    it's weird how if you use the 99% stuff, the trim doesn't even get it's still crispy afterwards...but any amount of water content will turn the trim into a soggy lump that you have to wring out kinda...yeh I dunno I'm high. :p[/quote]

    I know what your saying. The ISO actually sites out the plant matter.
  8. I figured I would open this one back up
  9. Or you could just redistill it.

    Stills are easy to make.

    Of ourse with Wal-Mart selling 90% @ 1.99$, id suggest you learn to shop.

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