Record disapproval for congress after debt talks

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Messiah Decoy, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. Your stupidity makes my brain hurt.

    By the way, I don't necessarily care if you write correct English, but just know this, people will judge you for it.

    Best get it out of the way before you write your first resume.

  2. Good god.... what the hell do you think infrastructure is?? "Investments" by the government...[​IMG]

    Why would the GOP plan to create jobs? The GOP knows, apparently better than you do, that the government doesn't create jobs. The only job the government can create is one that is paid for by the People's taxes. So what you're suggesting is that you take money from one of your pockets, move it to the other while dropping a bunch on the ground, and claim "hey, I just created some money for myself!"

    Protip: While in a glass house, throwing stones should be the last thing on your "to-do list."
  3. I like my forums like I order my Big special sauce...*CLICK* on the ignore list.:cool:

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