So I've just been using hot water from the tap, swirling it around and then dumping it down a long folded piece of wax paper, I probably lose a little....then just scrape it up after the water evaps off the sheet...seems to work well, leaves some claim in the piece (maybe 1%?) but who cares? I don't know but ISO seems like I'm just asking to introduce an unwanted and un-needed chemical to my process. Am I missing something? Also re-dabbing this "water" claim is not bad at all, as I've heard complaints about how dabbing claim sucks....? Seems if I froze this stuff it would be very similar to shatter; poor mans shatter, sure, but I smoked alot of resin back in the day, this stuff by comparison is pretty awesome. Are there any further steps I can/should take to remove any water from it? It will crackle a bit when dabbed. fwiw I don't have any bho equipment, just a really old electric stovetop/oven and a high propensity to laziness. help, advices, comments, knowledge drops pls.....!
Resin is gross to claim. I either make edibles or give it to homes when there over. It still gets u high just tastes bad. To ur question what I do is use I so to clean it soak it for a hour or 2 and shake it till its all off the rig and mixed with the Iso. Then I pour it into a bowl let it evaperate and scrape it. Then I put it on wax paper and purge it. (U can purge it on a pan with low heat u just have to take it off so it doesn't burn it) then like u said it becomes like shatter but I don't have to out it in the drive so it becime s shatter? Its not as consistent as real shatter tho
i mustve been really tired when i wrote that prolly just woke up. what i meant was reclaim is gross to dab. not resin is gross to claim the rest was right tho
I usually let it flow down the drain, but to each his own. In a pinch I would use it for edibles, not a big fan of vaporizing water not that its toxic but moisture in your lungs isnt super wise. Bless up man!