
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Dabster JhonnyCage, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. I'm new asf to dabbing and the whole reclaim shit g's how it get this reclaim out?
    Help pls?

  2. you should look into getting a drop down or a reclaim catcher if you plan on using it later. What I do to get the reclaim out of the rig itself is turn it upside down and quickly hit it with a torch shortly until it starts to melt and drip out, it's possible to crack your rig doing that tho so you gotta be careful not to heat it too much.
  3. Bleeech...Phooey, why dab snot anyway? LOL

  4. You can cook it into edibles or make coconut oil capsules with it, some people just like to get all of what they can out of their oil. It is pretty nasty to smoke, hell of a lot better than resin from flowers tho
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  5. What's the whole situation with people using something called iso?

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  6. you can use isopropyl alcohol/rubbing alcohol to dissolve all the reclaim in there then pour it out in a pyrex dish to evaporate, scrape that up and make edibles. I wouldn't smoke it, you can smoke it I just think it would probably taste like ass (it smells like a medical salve). I have some in the freezer I've been saving up
  7. Yo so i just pour the isopropyl into the rig then pour it out onto the Pyrex dish right

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  8. Yeah, you gotta get it to dissolve all the reclaim tho. Like shake it around and stuff till it's clean then pour it out
  9. Ight bet so after that I just let it sit in the dish?

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  10. I use a little electric griddle on low heat to slowly evaporate it, you can just leave it out with a fan and it'll evaporate in like a day. Just remember if you use heat that it's flammable

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