really want to get in shape.

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by BlazeLE, May 21, 2012.

  1. my body has grown accustomed to my way of life (eating way too much too often with no exercise). and i really want to change it, i just dont really now how...

    ive started walking up to the grocery store (after it gets dark due to social anxiety) every so often and getting some fruit but i have no idea what other affordable options i have as far as food goes. really the only fruit i buy is apples, bananas, and watermelon (we have a mango tree too). im not a fan of much else and what i do like is expensive. i try to avoid processed shit as much as possible but my mom still buys it. and i have a terrible habit of eating way too much at night (whether im stoned or not). i eat when im bored, i always have and im always bored. what are some other cheap foods that are healthy, filling, and taste good?

    also i have no idea how to count calories or what carbs are and all that stuff.

    now as for exercise im clueless. i have a bench and some weights but i can only work out for like 10 minutes before im exhausted (i know im doing it wrong)... and i cant go to a gym because im broke but even if i could afford it my anxiety wouldnt allow me to. so with the bench what am i doing wrong? and aside from walking, biking, and swimming what could i do for exercise that doesn't cost anything? (i cant do pushups because of my wrist).

    i really want to get in shape because my overweightness is preventing me from doing anything i want to do.
  2. What are you askin lol
  3. go on walks and jogs man. if you want to shed some pounds i would think this is the best way, get outside and dont even have to run the whole time, switch off from walking and jogging. or even walk the whole time.

    if your consistent with it youll see changes pretty fast if your eating and sleeping healthy as well.
  4. not i direct question but should be pretty obvious that i need guidance.
  5. youll be suprised on the results you can get from merely eating healthy and exercising on a regular to semi regular basis.(whether it be walking jogging riding bike swimming anything really)
    edit- the main thing is consistency

    drink lots of water to.
  6. Dude Im in the exact situation too.. i live by a running track but i have really bad social anxiety that i can't run unless nobody else is usually i just workout in the garage when everybody leaves
  7. for awhile I was gettn in shape till I fucked up my leg n moved
    I jus ate less didn't really snacked an walked like 2hours a day cuz I'd walk
    to a friends an then when I'd get there we'd walk around
    an then I'd walk home an I lost like 30pounds without
    even trying =P haha twas awesome sos I wanna get back
    on track cuz my bewbs were startn to get nice =/

    start small btw an work ur way up sometimes
    when u don't try so hard things go a lot smoother
    its when u push urself beyond limits that ur body isnt
    ready for thats when u end up fukn up
  8. i didn't read anything past this and the best advice i can tell you is to just get off your ass and do it. don't procrastinate it, don't think about it, just do it. pick a sport/workout routine and go for it. like, tomorrow.

    if you just keep asking questions or seeking advice you're only trying to justify wasting more time. there's nothing anyone can tell you besides just fuckin do it. the nike slogan says it all for a reason. :laughing:
  9. P90x just do it
  10. I dropped 60 pounds in about 6-7 months by eating turkey burgers, fish (tilapia), vegetarian beans, spinach, & only drinking water/Vitamin Water. Exercise consisted of walking on the treadmill. Hopefully any of this info will help you get started OP
  11. I had the same problem up until recently.

    I'd over eat,eat when bored,guzzle down soda,stay up all nite long and never get exercise.

    A little over a month ago I just got sick of it and started lifting weights and hiking.

    I feel so much better,even though I haven't seen much as far as results go other than my hips/waist feel a little more firm.

    But I'm lucky because instead of gaining weight in one spot of my body,it distributes evenly through my whole body,so I weigh a lot more than I look.

    I figure in another month or so I should start seeing results.

    You probably won't see results for a few months either,because when you're sitting around doing nothing for so long,your body is used to that and your metabolism slows dramatically.

    But once you get your metabolism going again,you'll see the weight come off real quick.

    Drop soda and sugary drinks.Stick with water,tea(not sugary shit like az tea) and juices with natural sugar in it.

    I know it's hard eating healthy,so just do the best you can,it isn't hard to figure out whats good and whats bad.

    Another thing is,once you start exercising and working out,you won't feel as hungry and you'll have tons more energy.

    If you have a place to hike,do that rather than regular walking.

    I can hike my 1.3 mile trail and get in WAY MORE exercise than walking 2.5 miles around my neighborhood,the incline on the trail I do kicks your ass hard.

    If you can't get to a hiking trail,just walk as many miles as you can.

    I'm going to start running/jogging in the mornings too,so that way I'm getting cardio in the morning,then having my hike in the evening.

    Good luck and remember,if you don't see results right away,don't get discouraged and give up,keep at it and you'll see results soon enough!
  12. Excercise is the best way to reduce fat. And control your food.
  13. what's up with the social anxiety from everybody.....???!!!

    If you smoke a little, go to the gym, and blast some music in your ears the whole time. IT'S ALL GOOD!!!

    For real though, diet is like 80 percent of losing weight. If you follow a diet, you will lose weight.

    Start with the basics as far as exercising goes, jumping jacks, squats on a wall, all different variations of sit-ups, push ups (even if you have to do the girl version bro, lol), anything really.

    I still say smoking doesn't help fat loss because the munchies, to put it simply, can be brutal. Good luck
  14. What is wrong with your wrist?

    I like to eat berries and nuts, lean meats like some chicken or steak. For the most part you should only drink water, no soft drinks. Avoid caffeine, it will dehydrate you, some people claim they need it to wake up or whatever I claim bullshit. If you have to get fast food get subway, and don't get the meatball or pizza sub.

    For exercise get an endurance base, get to the point where you can jog a mile in under 7:30. After that start calisthenics, plyometrics, HIIT, and long distance jogging.

    For pushups get to where you can do at least 60 in a minute with perfect form, your body is straight and you are looking ahead, not at the ground. There are modified pushups you can look up that will work different muscle groups.

    For situps get to where you can do 90 in a minute, there are also modified situps you can do. Again, use perfect form. Arms crossed and touching your shoulders, feet not moving, one solid motion up while flexing the abs, when you get back down do not bounce or use your momentum in any way to help you back up.

    For bench press start at 10 reps, 3 sets. Move up in weight until you cannot complete your last set, then work at it until you can. After you have completed 3 sets at a weight move up the next time you workout. I don't see how you can bench but you can't do a push up though. Don't bring your ass off the bench at all, don't move your feet. Focus on one spot on the ceiling, breathe in on the way down, and out on the way up. A controlled breath, not a big gasp. It should almost be a hiss. I arch my back, if your form isn't solid don't arch your back though, get the basics first. Do not bounce the weight either.

    If you're going to bench then you need to work your lower body, hold weights and do a squat, make sure to break parallel. Look it up on youtube if you can't get the form right. If you can squat using your bench press bar go ahead. Start with the bar so you can work out your form. Do Hindu squats as well, they help alot!

    Do curls with your bench bar, don't sway stand completely solid and straight. Again, youtube the form if you're not sure.

    Do mountain climbers, jumping jacks, crazy jacks (jumping jack, but when you jump you bring your knees to your chest and clap under them, yes, bring your knees all the way up.)

    Do you have any other weights?

    I have experience with weight loss, I had to go from 150lbs to 130lbs for wrestling, I went below 6% body fat at this point. I only had about 2 months to make this drop, and to continue building strength, endurance, and speed (along with every other physical attribute). Trust me, take the hard road of a strict as hell diet and build up to extreme levels of physical fitness, it is well worth it.

    Remember, there is a difference between an injury and being hurt. Push through pain, heal an injury.

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