
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Natural Mystic, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. What is reality?

    Religion is just a belief, a theory. So does that make science true? No it doesn't, because science is also just a theory, it is a way to define the physical world we live in today. For example if we do find 'proof' of a different dimension or a higher conscieness all science disapears. So what is 'real'? Obvisouly we don't know, but isn't that what most people are searching for? There are so many different possibilities to philosophize(sp?) over.

    I'm beginning to dislike science because it leaves nothing to the imagination. Do i really need to know how the leaves get there green colour? No, but they teach it anyway and take the 'fun' out of life. Now i say fun because thats what we should all be striving for. A fun life, filled with happiness, and love. Not, a fearful life, filled with despair and war. Haha, maybe i overexagerated a lil ;)

    I think 'reality' is the hear-and-now. Reality is you reading this message and me typing it. Whoa.. crazy thought. Lets say you didn't know when i posted this message, but as you read this, RIGHT NOW.. its like im taking with you right now! lol i don't know how to explain it :smoking: but is this, the process of posting on a message board, a way to overcome time.

    Time, now time is just made up by man again to define our physical world. Let's take away time for a second. Now let me ask you, can you live without time? Would you be able to go to work on TIME? Ok, this is too much thinking.

    I don't know where im going with this. So i'll just stop now. lol :smoke:
  2. reality and time deserve their own different topics, lol. way to much time spent on time when im high, that the last thing i said regarding time was "fuck time", cause i dont believe in time, lol
    reality though... thats a different story. this is what i trip out on the most when im fucked up, on whatever it is im on, is reality. reality changes from person to person, has a lot to do with perception (dont start on perception either). i'll see things in black and white, like it will look as if the whole world is in black and white when i get fucked up sometimes. but everyone else, even if theyve done just as much of whatever as me, is going to percieve reality differently. my reality is that everything is in black and white, but their reality might be that they can see everything crystal clear, with a kind of sparkling clearness to everything.
    what effects each person's reality?
    thats what i trip out on.

  3. True...all science is based on axioms: a+b=b+a...that's one of'em and noone can prove that. So science is a theory, alongside with religion. They both can't be entirely proven.

    Time is real. There's no way around it. Only time measurements are invented by man.
  4. Your reality is in your head. The body can lie to the brain, so the only thing you can know is what's in you.

  5. What about psychosis? Your brain can fool you even better
  6. Sometimes I really think that this whole world is created by our minds. Reality is...not real.
  7. In that case I'd have a really fucked up imagination :smoking:

  8. How can you know for sure? If you take away human time, then what are you left with? Time wouldn't be relative to anything. And what if it was.. then our life time could be as long as the time it takes you to blink, depending on how long the earth and the universe existed.. which in that case would make time irrelevant.
  9. If I were to believe in any perception of time, id go with the theory expressed by the aliens in Kurt Vonegut's Slaughterhouse 5

  10. I don't quite understand what you mean by human time???

    To me time is the 4th dimention. We live in 3 spacial dimentions. And time moves, there's no way you can stop it. When you say "This is now", the time you'll say "now", "this" is already past tense.

    Even time travel wouldn't overthrow the theory of time being constant. Space is constant. You can move around in it (i.e. on it's axis). If you could do the same with time, it would still continue on the time axis. You'd only be able to move around on the axis...
  11. sometimes i think that this whole world is just a dream, like nothing is real, or sometimes i think life isn't being lived properly by the whole world, like there's something bigger - something mystical that we haven't figured out yet, and i believe u know that 'thing' which we haven't figured out yet when u become truely inlightened like Budda. but i don't have enough knowledge about the world yet, so don't crush my thoughts, (i am only 18). I think we r living our lives wrong, but its not exactly a bad thing, i just think we can live a whole lot better but we just don't know yet.
  12. Reality is the sum of all things that are real. Physically or factually real. We as humans have a generally good grasp of what it means. The problem is sometimes our senses can trick us into perceiving false things, this is not reality. We cannot know everything that is real, and we wouldn't want to cause it'd bog us down. I mean what else could reality be besides the sum of all real things? Let's not talk about imaginary numbers though...

  13. let me quote the matrix for this one lol :smoke:

    "What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see...then real is simply ... electrical signals interpreted by your brain. "

    And anything can control those 'electrical signals'. I like to think that nothing is real.. and that anything is possible.

    Well, I thought that humans created time. I thought we made up years days, hours, minutes etc...

    But come to think of it now, time just always was and always will be. If there wasn't time wouldn't everything just stop??

    Like you thccrystals.. I also hate time. I hate the fact that you always have to plan your day, and go to bed at this time, eat now, do homework then... that why I'd rather go through my day without knowing time.. but thats kinda impossible because society needs structure.. and to have structure you need to keep time. But can anyone really KEEP time? lol :rolleyes:

  14. Once a friend of mine tried participating in a time deprivation study. He was in a room for 12 hours with nothing to give him a sense of time. They had some people who were doing a week. My friend was starting to turn neurotic in 12 hours. The scientists said it was because of the lack of time. I think it was the lack of tv/internet/magazines/human interaction that got him.
  15. human interaction, mainly, imho

  16. Well I think it's plain to see what is real. No need for some bs hollywood explaination, I already said what you sense isn't always correct but it is a part of what is real(as in you really sensed it). If you cried at a funeral, you can't say the next day that you didn't, because in reality you did. See your computer in front of you? It's real, and a part of reality. I never understood why people like to get so technical with this definition. I still believe it is still the sum of all real things, and I know we can't figure out everything that's real but that doesn't matter.

    The whole electrical signals thing is bull. Sure light hits the back of your eye and is picked up by rod and cone receptors, transduction then takes place as the signals are sent down the optic nerve to the lgn etc etc, but that is not the reality I'm talking about(but those things really do happen and are a part of reality). If you see a tree, that tree is part of reality, even if you're half blind and can only kinda see it. It's that simple in my book. If you are rich or poor, that is a part of your reality. If you are hungry, even though it's electrical signals telling you you are hungry it doesn't matter, you are, in reality, hungry.
  17. I would say in an atempt to short answer the question what is reality in such a way:

    Reality is all that is imposed onto you by anything not you.
  18. Well, chrystals, I beg to differ. And frankly I don't know how YOU can make such a statement. If I remember right, you're planning on becomeing a psychologist? Ever heard of psychosis? Not too long ago I was called to another post to talk to a youngster. I entered the room and he was talking to at least 3 persons already. I didn't see any of'em, but he had a lively conversation with the 3 of'em. And when I entered, I was like another one of'em.

    Or this girl who suddenly said: You're standing right on my friend. I wasn't. There was noone there. But in those kids' minds, there were others in the room besides me. So, you see, our mind plays tricks on us. The kids never know what is real and what is part of their psychosis until we tell'em. So tell do we know what's real??

    I think Mystic has a very valid point.

  19. Yes, people suffering from psychosis have a twisted view of what is real. These people cannot gauge what is real, and I wouldn't take any advice on what is real from them. I thought we were talking about sane individuals? Also, you don't know what's going on in the second kids mind(they're normal, right?). Just because they tell you something doesn't mean they actually believe it. And like the insane, I wouldn't take the words or a child too seriously either, because they lie/stretch the truth/etc. This is why I have been saying it's not possible to know everything that is real, but you should be able to trust yourself and your senses for the most part about what is real. You might not be sure if something actually happened, for example, but just cause you don't know doesn't mean it actually did or didn't happen. Do you see where I'm coming from?

    I guess what I'm trying to say is knowledge doesn't affect reality, but it can affect our perceptions(which may or may not be accurate representations of reality). So I guess people have their own personal realities that don't have to be 100% factual, but there is actually only one reality(or sum of all things that are true or physically present).
  20. How can you know if you're sane? The kids I talked about thought themselves sane, too. The second one I talked about is psychotic, too. And I do take their words for real. I know a psychosis when I see one.

    And if our perception of reality can be altered by our own brain, Mystic must have a point. So in a way the pc in front of you might seem real to you. But maybe it's part of your psychosis? Who knows?

    I agree you should trust yor senses on what is real. But don't rely on'em too much.

    And as far as perception goes. You surely heard about the phenomenon that after a tragic incident all involved who are asked to tell what happened, tell a different story. So perception must be regarded subjective, while reality in objective.

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